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Over the years, I've seen people, youths and young adults especially indulge in Immoral acts under the name "Love".

And that brought me to think, What exactly is Love?
If Love simply means that two persons must date,kiss, and have sex before marriage, then what is the term for those who never did all these but eventually got married?
Does it mean they don't truly love each other?

That sparked my interest in understanding Love and what it really is and of course getting the message out there of the Truth.
Remember, "the Truth will make you free"

Love is not Fondness.
Yes, you heard that right.
Truth is, you could get really fond of a person and feel that you cannot survive without the person. In fact, when you try a temporary separation, you feel a sort of emptiness. But when properly checked, there is no love therein.
I can guess your next question already, "How do you then know it's love?" Well, stay with me.

Love is not based entirely on Feelings.
Yes, this is similar to Fondness above.
But I've seen people who claim they have lots of feelings for a person and the feelings were mutual. So they both are in love.

Identify what generated those feelings?
Was it the looks, achievement, position, charisma,voice? etc
Note this, you cannot determine love entirely by physical appearances or how a person makes you feel. Those could be faked. One could get manipulated and made to believe a lie and at the end of the experience "Heartbreaks" in the name of "I thought he/she loved me"...
Well, that is it...

However, I'll show you how you to identify True Love.

First, There is no Fear/Doubt in Love.
1John 4:18 explains it all, "There is no fear in Love, but perfect love casteth out fear...He that feareth is not made perfect in Love"
Here, it is obvious that when you have doubts or you are afraid of a person or there's an unrest within your spirit despite the "feelings" you claim to have, That isn't love.
And for you to truly find out, you'll have to be sincere with yourself.
"Am I really sure that this is the right thing?"
If you still experience doubts and fear in you, Watch it! You need to Cut it!
"There is no fear in Love"

Secondly, "Love covers all sins".
Proverbs 10:12
Yes, Love overlooks wrongs, faults and imperfections.
That doesn't mean that it is blind to it, but instead, it sees perfection in the imperfect being.
In fact, it seeks to fill the gap in the person's life by covering it up.
I've seen cases where one party is been punished for certain wrongs committed, but instead chooses to remain in that bondage because of "love".
That isn't what I mean, Love "covers" up your faults. It doesn't expand your faults even more. It makes you a better person.

Thirdly, Love is Demonstrated.
Now, don't be so quick to tell me.
"Yea, he takes me out and buys me stuffs" or "she calls me late at night and professes love"
Well, that's not the demonstration I mean here.
John 3:16 is a perfect example of Demonstrated Love.
"For God so loved the world that He gave.."
If there's giving with selfish motives or expecting in return, it can't be Love.
1Corinthians 13:4-8 explains the demonstrations of Love.
It is Patient, Kind, Understanding, Not Proud, Not Selfish,Not easily Provoked, Lacks Envy,Doesn't Torment, Doesn't Thinks or Rejoice in Evil.

Fourthly, Love is not imposed!
You don't love a person because you are forced to or out of pity.
Someone once said, "Love is a decision made from your heart, not based on the way someone makes you feel"
I choose to hammer on "The Decision"
You choose to Love, you should never be forced to, if you do, then that is in no way Love.

Finally, Love will wait!
Yes, Love doesn't entail having sex and indulging in sexual activities just anyhow or for the pleasure of it.
Hebrews 13:4 explains that "Marriage is honourable in all,and the bed undefiled..."
Sex is for marriage and not before or outside of it.
If a person who claims to love you demands for sex as proof of your love, Then FLEE!
That can never be Love. It is not a demonstration of Love.

"Is it possible to wait"? A thousand times YES!
I've seen countless persons got married as virgins who are enjoying the most of their marriage.
All you have to do is decide on it and go to the God of Love to strengthen you.
There is strength released when you make up your mind to wait.
It will keep you going in spite of the cries of your hormones, it will call you to order when you are about missing it.
But first, You must decide to wait and let God handle the rest.

Now that I've made you understand what Love really is. I would also like to add that Love is actually a Person. 1John 4:7 says,
"...God is Love.." so whatever doesn't exist in God can never be called "Love"
If you can live your life from today based on this revelation, you will experience peace in your relationships.

In conclusion, sweet words, feelings,attitudes, emotions and passions are only offshoots of something deeper in Love.
There is a depth to Love that until you get fully matured in it, you can not fully accept the reality of therein.

My point is, don't decide to get in a relationship in the name of "love" until you are certain in your heart that you are ready for marriage as well as know what that love entails.
It will save you lots of distractions, heartbreaks, emotional trauma and unnecessary pain.

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