"Don't waste your joy trying to find out what people think about you. Simply use your joy to become the best person you want to be." - T. L Osborn
Galatians 6:5 (MSG)
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own lives.
Showing love and making life better for people is really about being a blessing to others. This has a whole lot to do with making the best investment in your own life that you can possibly make. God expects you to cultivate your own life just the way a gardener takes care of a beautiful garden. He expects you to make the best use of your life. You are your own manager. Your life is your responsibility. Why should you neglect developing yourself and yet claim you're being a blessing to people? Do not lay around and expect some other person to come and make your life a great one. That's the attitude of people who shy away from responsibility. As today's scripture says, you must awake and take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. If you want to be a blessing to others, then you have to invest into yourself to make yourself a blessing.
The way you handle your life shows whether you really care about others or not. If you really love people and you want to help them, you'll endeavour to be the best at whatever you can do. Lots of people will be disadvantaged if you do not rise up to become all you can be. Some people have their destinies tied to yours. For example the biblical character, Joseph, had the destinies of his family members tied to his. What if he didn't think there was much to his life? What if he took his life for granted? What if he never became Prime Minister? Also, we see David who later became a king. His father's household had their destinies tied to his. But remember David started by being a skillful player on the harp while he took care of his father's sheep in the bush. He invested into making his music gift good and relevant. We can go on and on. The Bible shows us how lots of people had good things happen to them because one individual made his/her life amount to something.
Instead of trying to find out what everyone thinks about you, concentrate on planting great seeds in your life. Develop a great life, Read and study. Enlighten your mind. Improve the way you speak and express yourself. Choose a career, a trade, a business, a skill, a profession, an endeavour etc, and give it all you are. Dream again. Have dreams and goals. Connect the goals to where you are today. Map out your destination. Where do you want to get to in XYZ time? Live with some good level of focus. Always be heading somewhere. Don't live like a boxer who boxes with no aim in mind. Set your course and launch out. Work and work until you love working more than you did the last time you checked. Work at your dreams. Carry out an introspective inventory. The gifts, abilities and talents God placed in you are meant to be used. He must have something in mind when He placed them there. They may be in their raw state now. No problem. Refine them. Train yourself in those lines. Train and train and train until you can exchange them for commercial value; until people are eager to pay you for them. We're talking about being a blessing to people. We're talking about using your life to bless others. We're talking about loving people. May God help you do these and more.
Keep Loving, Keep Living..............LOVE ISSUES
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