"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Anonymous
Matt 24: 12-13
And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity but he who endures to the end will be saved.
Have been reading a book by Joyce Meyer over the weekend and it was just what I needed (and yes, the truths will always be relevant). The author of the book caught my fancy because I know her to be a very good writer and one experienced in affairs of life and ministry. The title of the book, Reduce Me to Love, also got me. In the course of reading I came across a lot of inspiring statements that made an imprint on my heart; I'll hold on to them and make them a reality in my life. As I started to round off, I came across a verse of scripture which is today's opening verse. Again and again it burned in my heart. It hit me so strong and I knew it was God's Spirit tugging my heart to share it with you today.
I really do not know how many people who read LOVE ISSUES on a constant basis are perturbed by the level of selfishness all around today. I watched a video on YouTube the other day of how two guys carried out a test to see if it was the rich or seemingly comfortable people or a destitute who would show love and be willing to share their food with a beggar. Walking into the restaurant, one if the guys asked 3 random persons who had plenty on their table as they ate for food but he was told they didn't have extra to give him,so he left. The other guy had bought some food and gave a poor homeless man who really appreciated it. Then his friend went to this same homeless man and asked for some food. Amazingly, he was given some out of what the homeless man received as a gift. The same experiment was repeated and again another man shared from the money they had given him. Then I came to this conclusion, we really must see and experience love.
Human beings are naturally selfish and self centered. We must overcome this natural influence in our lives because it's not from God. To do so we need to untrain selfishness by retraining ourselves. We must continue to speak about love, using God's Word to inspire people to love and to know that our lives depend so much on it. The lesson from today's verse is simple and yet very powerful. The person who wants to be saved at the end of times must endure to the very end and the only way to do so is to live a life of sacrificial love toward every one, no matter the pain, no matter who these people around you are. Choosing to love is a sacrifice that is to be renewed every day as one wakes up to the light of dawn. Let us make this difference knowing fully well that we have a great reward that awaits us in the life after this one. God bless you.
Keep Loving, Keep Living............LOVE ISSUES
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