Weddings are such lovely events to attend. It's usually a time you get to meet some wonderful people you know and even some people you've never met. People all around are nicely dressed and are busy taking personal/group pictures. It's not strange in our day to find many of these pictures uploaded on different social media so people can see they were at a function hanging out with so and so. At wedding ceremonies, the sumptuous wedding buffet that are served is often one of the high points for some people because such doesn't come their way every other day. In summary, weddings come with exciting happenings that leave lovely memories.
Aside from all that's I've mentioned above, what's most important in weddings is seeing two different families coming together to become joined, as their children take their vows to love, cherish and be there for each other till death do them part. Now everyone (well, I guess I should say especially the ladies) wants to experience the time of their lives where they get to take marriage vows with the love of their hearts, and then live happily ever after. But the question is, are we able to find such a one? Can a man find such a woman? Can a woman find such a man, a person with whim she'll live all her life after the marriage ceremony, happy and fulfilled?
Getting into a relationship doesn't guarantee one of having the marriage of their lives. It is rather finding the right person and that depends on some very basic truths that people tend not to give attention to due to all sorts of things, from pressures around them to lies that the world throws at them. When I speak of finding the right person, I do not mean to reduce the responsibility on you also being the right person. However, what I'm saying is that there are certain things that matter to God that should also matter to you as you make your choice of who to marry. For your own good also, there are certain things you should consider as you look to making that decision.
Take for instance, someone gets married to the most beautiful girl in the world and after a few years of being married, you receive bad news from the media that they got divorced. It's not funny, to me. To me it's simply silly because they forget (or did not get the knowledge) that when you are married to someone, what you live with isn't how your partner or spouse is so hot or so fine or so cream but the character traits of their personality. Of course, the body is important but look beyond the physical, marry the person on the inside. When people come together and get married for just what's peripheral, they usually cannot keep going when challenges arise. The foundation of the marriage is in the sand and not in the rock (God's Word), so the marriage naturally crumbles.
A lot of ladies today date guys they know have the tendencies of abusing them verbally or physically and yet they still believe that when they get married to them, they can make such a guy change and become better. That's a lie from the pit of hell. Do not be deceived. You can't change someone. Your dating or courting and what not, has no power to change anyone, let alone marrying them. Everything a person does comes from their heart and you cannot go in there to change the kind of person they are. Change only comes through the agency of the Spirit and power of God giving them the will and the made up mind to change. The most you can do is try to influence that change but it finally lies on whether the person will allow God do His work in their life or not.
Let me say here that marriage can be what you want it to be but it all starts from whom you choose to be with. Let's look at a few points I believe can help you choose and bring the right person with you into the path of marriage.
1) Does he/she have the same belief system (faith in Jesus Christ, the Son if the living God) with you? The Bible helps us see that two cannot walk together except they agree. If he/she isn't a lover of Christ deeply, if he's sometimes in and sometimes out depending on what he's faced with, then what you're wanting to do is trade your life to Satan, the prince of this world because no one sits on the fence. You are either for the Lord or you're against Him.
2) There are people who rely on some signs just to know if the person they have in mind to ask out is truly the one. I believe that's not a good thing because signs can be manipulated by all sorts and have made people choose wrongly. I once heard a sister say she dated a guy because she asked for a sign, that he should do a couple of things at a particular time and he did. Bam! She knew right away he was the one but unfortunately, they both are married to different people today. Why depend on signs when you can depend on the Spirit of God? The Spirit of God guides us through the Word of God; He authored the Bible. So, rely on God's Word for a mate and not on signs.
3) Getting to know someone very well before going to the altar is very important. Some people only know their mate for a few months and want to get married to them. If a woman can carry a child for 9 months, then I think that can safely be taken as the least duration of time one should know someone before thinking of starting something serious which could end in marriage. Knowing the person you want to get married to is very important. Allow for some time to get to know each other. If the conviction fades after a while, then it wasn't authentic in the first place. If you are going to do something for the rest of your life, don't plunge into it, take it carefully. Be patient. Think it through.
4) Don't court someone solely for their physical attributes. Beauty is vain and actually only lasts as long as such a one who possess it is young or alive or is not physically challenged. By the help of God, there are people that age gracefully like Sarah and Rebekah, but generally speaking, people change as they get older. So, choose what will still be lovely and attractive when the outward fades. All that glitters isn't gold. Go for character. It will always be present after all the beauty and charisma has faded away.
5) Ask yourself these questions before you proceed to ask her out or before you say yes to him. Will this person help me stay heaven bound? Will my union with him/her increase my love for God and His Kingdom? And lastly, will this coming together enlarge my sphere of usefulness in life as I pursue fulfilling God's purpose for my life? If your answer to these questions are not in the affirmative, then please it's no use.
6) No matter how people make mistakes and tend to pattern their lives by someone else's experience and what they've heard over time, do not accept what is said. Go for someone with a semblance like that of Christ Jesus, bearing in mind that they are not perfect, as long as they submit to Christ and are willing to let the Spirit of God direct and lead them.
Like some of you know, I say this a lot that I want you to be happy in the long-term especially concerning the issue of marriage. Your long term happiness all starts from the choices you make. We all have made different kinds of mistakes at some points in our lives but when you allow that mistake occur over and over again, then it begins to take a part of you away. But thank God for grace that makes all things beautiful again. Only Christ can do things for you that no one else can. Surrender the control of your life and relationship to Him. Let Him lead you and you shall have the beautiful marriage He has designed for you.
Keep Loving, Keep Living.........…….Love Issues
P.S: It's my pleasure ti inform you that yours truly is participating in the on-going MY BIG NIGERIAN WEDDING competition 2015.
It started in November last year with over 140 couples in the first stage.
At the end of Stage 1, the first 50 couples in terms of number of votes, crossed into Stage 2. From this stage only 10 couples will move on to the final stage where the winner of the competition will be selected.
The final stage has no voting of any kind as it's designed to be an interactive session. Therefore, Stage 2 is where I and my fiance need you most.
The winner of this competition will have their wedding and honeymoon sponsored this year to the tune of 15million naira.
For now, Stage 2 is purely about voting online daily but other voting methods like SMS voting will also be used in this stage. We'll notify you when the other methods start.
Below is the simple voting procedure :
1. Click on the link below
2. Like the WED Daily page (if you haven't)
3. Click Vote
4. Encourage your family and friends to do the same.
We're in this matter together. Thanks a whole lot and God bless you.
Here's the link -
Bibi &Chichi
your article was very insightful. god bless you