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"Love is not a thing of enthusiastic emotion. It is a rich, strong, manly, vigorous expression of the whole round Christian character - the Christlike nature in its fullest development. And the constituents of this great character are only to be built up by ceaseless practice." - Henry Drummond

Philippians 1:8 (LOGOS)
For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.

Many are in the grips of
the false rendition of love the world has offered, to the point that when the real thing on true love is talked about or preached, some don't give it the kind of attention it should get. They really don't trust that it works. The truth however remains the truth no matter how much it's been suppressed. The truth remains the truth no matter how many lies have been accepted as truth. The truth therefore must be told until more and more people wake up to see it for what it is. This is why I can't keep quiet on matters of the heart.

Experiencing real love isn't a myth as some think, especially in these days where beautiful weddings are put in our face everywhere on the social media. A beautiful wedding is a blessing but it's even a greater blessing if those beautiful weddings can transform into beautiful marriages that last as long as God intends them to. There is a deliberate work required in true love. The absence of this is the reason why some marriages fail in a very short time. It has never been as a result of lack of love, as even many people who get divorced admit that they love their ex but just can't bear anymore.

Believe it or not, true love is work; it is taking up responsibility. It's living a life of sacrificing on a daily basis for your spouse. It's consciously applying yourself to serve the other person. The character of true love is strengthened again and again by relentless practise. True love is choosing to allow the interest of the other person thrive; it's looking out for what's best for them. Intending couples, young adults and married folks need to refresh their minds often with these truths. When we accept this responsibility and get to work, love becomes beautiful as it was meant to be. This is what makes married people happy. This is how to have a happy life.

Always remember love is a choice. When you love someone, you accept all that there is to that person; you determine to make sacrifices of love aimed at helping them become a better person. You can't really love your partner/spouse as they should be loved if you're not growing in your own experience of the love of Jesus Christ. In our verse of Scripture for today, Paul spoke of yearning for the believers with the affection of Christ. One of the things I know without a doubt is that people want to be loved the same way Christ loved people when He was here. What a blessing it will be for your partner to receive such love. The more you know the love of Jesus, the more you'll yearn for your partner/spouse.

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES

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