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Looking at Semi, wondering what was going through her mind that made her stare in the sky with a huge girlish grin on her face intermittently interrupted with chuckles as she caressed the pony tail dropping from her head, Oma knew Semi was at it again. It was happening for the third time in a row.

They were classmates in school and were both now waiting for their NYSC call up letters. Ever since Semi met and started a relationship with Cole, her behaviour had become quite out of the norm. She would often giggle all by herself when she was alone or not actively busy. Occasionally, her friends would find her, smiling sheepishly like she had just hit a jackpot.

Cole was undoubtedly the best thing that had happened to Semi after two previous relationships she had had. To Semi this was something altogether special and different. Falling in love had never been this sweet. Cole somehow made her feel complete and beautiful like no other guy had done. It seemed quite obvious that he had what many people referred to as her 'mumu button'.

Hmmm, okay I know someone is anxious to know what that means. Well, the term mumu is a vernacular expression in this part of the world for someone whose mind isn't functioning properly. The person is not necessarily wild or mad but their behaviour shows that they're not as smart as they should be. When the term is used however to refer to a person in love, it's used to describe a conscious or unconscious level of vulnerability displayed by someone who's in love with another person, so much so that they act in ways they and those who know them never thought they could ever act.

The Vulnerable button commonly known as the mumu button of a person is that part of them (they perhaps didn't know existed before) which makes them respond overwhelmingly to a strong feeling of being loved or being in love. To a very large extent, many people express this kind of vulnerability when they're in love. Some, however do not, for one reason or the other, especially those who began getting emotionally involved with the opposite sex from an early age.

For some people who have kept themselves for that special person they have trusted God all along to bring into their lives, this experience may be the case. The funny thing many times is that those who are acting in this way will more often than not, deny it. Those around them are the ones many times who can tell that their behaviour has changed. Being vulnerable to someone you're in love with isn't exactly wrong. You should be vulnerable, though to a moderate degree.

Love is a very strong force that can affect a people's actions. Our young people need to be taught this. Love can affect you like you could not have imagined. Hence, the need to focus first on being mature. This is why Solomon admonished in Songs of Solomon 2:7, "Swear to me, young women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, that you won’t awaken or arouse love before its proper time!" There is a proper time for love. As we see everyday, those who arouse love before its proper time experience many sad, hurtful and unfortunate things.

Instead of running after love, let love lead. Run after your purpose and assignment in life. Allow love wake up at its proper time. Be anxious for nothing. There's a set time for love, so, why hurry? Don't be fooled by your age. It's a miscarriage of understanding for a person to busy themselves seeking the opposite sex when they have not first gotten busy with their life's assighnmemt. Let true love find you when the time is ripe.

Save your emotional energy; don't waste it going in and out of relationships. If you're a man, only one woman should have you. If you're a lady, only one man should have you. By design, you should only be vulnerable in the sense we're discussing today, to one person. Your mumu button should only be held by one person.

Okay people, let's get to hear your opinion. Drop your comment and if possible, give examples

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES


  1. Lovely post with timeless points...I totally agree that only 1 man or woman should hold our mumu button. Thanks Bibi

  2. Thank you JCBlog for your comment and advice. You're right. LISB(Love ISSUES Blog) readers are blessed by it.


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