"So many people don't know that God loves them. They feel, 'Why would God love me? Why would He be interested in me?'" - Jan Karon
Psalm 112:4a (KJV)
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness...
She was fed up with life as she looked on helplessly at her shop, the only source of her livelihood, being gutted by fire. She wept bitterly and in anguish as all she had was razed to the ground. Her leg suddenly became too weak to bear her weight. She threw herself on the ground and wailed as it dawned on her this was really happening. Where was she going to start again from? Where would she go for help? How was she going to start from the scratch?
The more she thought, the more she cried.
She thought of her two kids, Tola and Tobi. How in the world was she going to get money to pay their school fees? She thought about how they would feed. Being a single mother, she had done her best to work hard and give her kids a good life. Now her business was gone. She concluded life was not worth living, but for the sakes of her children, taking her own life was not the best option. "Oh, why us life so cruel to me?" she yelled.
He worked for sometime after his first degree to enable him gather money so he could go further for his masters. After rounding off his job, he paid all he had to further his education. There was no assistance coming from anywhere. His mum was now living with her third husband, while his father who was her first, was no where to be found. The thought of how to cater for his upkeep and maintenance was wearisome. Eighteen (18) months of study were ahead of him and he had no help coming from anyone. All the persons he had gone to meet for help weren't showing any signs of assisting. As if that wasn't enough, the cold and discomfort he got from sleeping on the bare floor every night was the height if it all. It seemed there was no reason to continue living.
Every now and then quite a number of people take their lives due to one reason or the other. Some believe the reason for which they contemplate suicide is justified. I like to remind you today that your life is precious and no reason is good enough to terminate it. Scripture says a righteous man falls seven times and rises up again. When God is with you, you may stumble and fall because of certain things but you can be sure your story won't end with you being on the ground. Today I encourage you to hang on. Refuse to quit no matter the condition you're facing now.
God has a plan. He loves you and irrespective of what the devil puts in the way, God always wins. No matter how dark the situation is right now, a light will arise for you. If you believe in Jesus, you cannot be disadvantaged. God's love will move heaven and earth to favour you. The angels of God will do and undo just to change your story. Be encouraged. Cheer up. God is love. Love has not given up on you. Make up your mind not to be broken on the inside. Weep no longer. Your time for a turn around has come. Light is rising for you.
Keep Living, Keep Loving... LOVE ISSUES
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