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5. As a prelude to finding real love, learn to be accommodating  in all your relationships—with family, friends, acquaintances, and co-workers. Learn to make choices and not just let friendships and professional relationships "happen." Don't spend time with family just because they're family. Choose to only have those in your life who are loving, respectful, honest, and open, and who care about you. Choose people who know that trust is earned and that once broken, it's next to impossible to get back. Choose people who do not keep you guessing about how they feel, or how they feel about you. Choose people who are not ambivalent about you or their relationship with you.

Don't put up with people who say, "I'm confused," "I gotta be me," or, "I want to be a good partner, but I don't know how." You get what you put up with. If you want less doubt in your life, stop putting up with it. Real love is accommodating yet requires wisdom and insists upon loving treatment no matter what.

To be Continued...

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