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It was indeed an awesome, beautiful and successfully unforgettable outreach as lovely people with hearts of gold gave their time, contributed their resources and money, prayers, supported with all they've got to ensure #ProjectCompassion'16 unfolded the way it did. The Inmates of Agodi Prisons, Ibadan were blessed beyond words,the orphans at Aziboola foundation, Amadi okpiko road, Amadi Ama, Port-harcourt  together with those at Grace Orphanage, Akure  and teenagers at Juvenile Remand Home at Ugbekun ,Benin City were soul-lifted as many felt loved, turned a new leaf and surrendered to Christ.

 I am indeed happy and also grateful to everyone who supported massively and the way #PC'16 turned out, I am also thankful to God Almighty for making it a reality and being our Shield.

To everyone who funded, I say Thank you and pray that your barns always yield increase even to an overflow and may you always be in good health. (Pro 19:17)

To everyone who supported in different ways, The Good Lord cause his face to shine on you always. (Psa 16:5-6)

To the Love Team, I am short of words to appreciate you. #PC'16 was this successful because of you all. I love you and God bless you greatly. (1 Thess 5:23-24)

Project Compassion.... Spreading the Love of Christ.

Dr Blessing Ehigiator
Twitter/IG: @Bibilovejunkie

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