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FEAR is generally a major reason why some people do not visit the Dentist regularly

This FEAR comes in different manifestation but are generally known as #DENTALphobias

1. DENTOphobia (ODONTOphobia) - Fear of the Dentist or Dental procedures :& 
2. ALGOphobia - Fear of pain :]
3. TRYPANOphobia (BELONEphobia, ENETOphobia) - Fear of needles and injections
The Goodnews is that God has not given us the Spirit of Fear... 1Timothy 1:7 O:) 

Overcome your #DENTALphobias today... #SeeYourDentist regularly (ONCE EVERY SIX MONTHS) it could just turn out to be a life-saving encounter and YES, you can have a painless Dental Checkup/Treatment 

Toothbrushes and Toothbrushing have become an important part of our daily lives (Everybody has at least a toothbrush). However it is meant to be renewed due to the fact that it is subjected to wear and tear from daily usage aside fighting the bacteria insurgency in our mouths.

DO YOU KNOW that the number of bacteria in any given mouth is close to the earth's population, a single tooth can host like 500million bacteria... So you can imagine the number of bacteria on 32 teeth especially when you haven't brushed

You don't have to wait...
till the bristles are splayed (like Moses parting the red sea scenario) OR 
till the bristles gradually fall off OR 
till dirt accumulation changes the color at the base of the bristles 

Change your toothbrush EVERY 3MONTHS (or after a major bout of sickness) and make sure you are using a Soft or Medium bristle (not hard) toothbrush to protect your tooth structure and give you a healthy smile that would last a lifetime :D 

it is a BAD HABIT to share toothbrushes either between husband and wife or among siblings even if they are twins. CDC (Centre for Disease and Control) says sharing a TOOTHBRUSH with anyone increases your risk of getting an infection.


This is a very common complaint that is diagnostic of Tooth Decay also known as Dental Caries. It is one of the commonest dental conditions experienced among children and young adults.

The presence of sugary foods on tooth surfaces attracts the sticky film called PLAQUE that forms these acids due to bacterial action in the process of digesting the sugars.

Tooth decay overtime will cause holes called CAVITIES (they can develop on biting surfaces or between teeth). 
It starts when acids gradually wear away the hard surface layer called ENAMEL. If unchecked it could proceed to the DENTINE and eventually the PULP and at that time the individual can no longer bear the Pain

When discovered early, Cavities can be filled to prevent it from getting bigger and save your tooth also from being removed. You don't have to wait till you experience Pain to #SeeYourDentist. Book an appointment NOW to discuss the best filling options if you have a cavity.


When you brush and your gums bleed or you see a reddish tinge in your sputum, its a sign that all is not well with your gums. #ItIsNotNormal to have Bleeding Gums.

The Gums are an important component of our Oral tissues - they form the soft tissue covering over the root of the tooth. Can be seen with a very generous Smile.

Known as Gingiva in Dental parlance and forming part of the Periodontium quartet, the state of the gums tell a lot about an individual's oral hygiene status. Healthy Gingiva should be PINKish in colour, KNIFE-EDGE in shape and FIRM in consistency (you can now look into the mirror and check yours)

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gingiva) results when the gums are irritated such that they swell, bleed (spontaneously, on probing or when brushing) and even detach from the teeth forming gingival pockets or exposing the roots causing sensitivity and gingival recession. Gingiva in this unhealthy state becomes REDdish in colour, ROUND in shape and LOOSE in consistency.

Gingivitis could result from - presence of calculus (above or below the gingiva) -using hard toothbrushes and associated wrong brushing technique - uncontrolled toothpicking etc and then uncontrolled Gingivitis could proceed to Periodontitis.


"The Federal Ministry of Health warns that smokers are liable to die young"
Its an all too familiar, warning endnote advertorial of tobacco products that has instead kept more folks smoking, no thanks to the nicotine addiction associated with tobacco.

All forms of tobacco - smoked and smokeless complicates not just general health (especially with the alcohol combo) but ORAL HEALTH importantly because they are first received by the mouth. Smokeless tobacco seems not so indulging but the long term effects are dangerous just like the normal smoking.

Smokeless tobacco is tobacco consumed by other means like chewing, snuffing, placing in the buccal mucosa (between gum and cheeks) or even under the tongue.

Manifestations will include nicotine staining on teeth, darkened gingiva and buccal mucosa, halitosis, patched tongue, oral mucosa lesions (red and white) and ultimately oral cancer.

It is better to never start smoking or using any tobacco products. However if you use currently, #SeeYourDentist and discuss how to quit and early enough too.

#SeeYourDentist TWICE A YEAR

Why should I see the dentist? Of what relevance is it? Who is a dentist? Is it not this teeth?... Questions needing Answers 

The truth is DENTISTS are not just concerned or trained to handle your TOOTH issues but your Face, Mouth and Oral Health generally because a HEALTHY MOUTH translates to a HEALTHY BODY.

14 Reasons why you should #SeeYourDentist
- When you notice BAD BREATH (halitosis)
- When you feel unusual pain in your tooth the first time
- When you observe SHOCKING SENSATION (dentine sensitivity)
- When you observe BLEEDING GUMS (gingivitis)
- When you have a Mobile Tooth (periodontitis)
- When you have a hole in your teeth (tooth decay/dental caries)
- When you have a swelling in your Gums/Mouth/Jaws
- When you have a Broken/Fractured Teeth
- When you have a Missing Tooth
- When you have a Discoloured Tooth
- When you have Sores in your Mouth (Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers)
- When you have crooked teeth (Malocclusion)
- When you have whitish/greyish/brownish/greenish deposits on your (lower anterior) teeth... You are overdue for Scaling and polishing (professional cleaning)

It is Standard practice to #SeeYourDentist TWiCE A YEAR, you don't have to wait till you are in PAIN, Make it a regular habit because PREVENTION IS THE CURE.


A female client walks into the clinic and be like 'Doctor, I want to have some spacing between my front (upper anterior) teeth' and you spend the next few minutes, sometimes hours on an enlightenment campaign

Open Teeth in Dental parlance is known as (Midline) DIASTEMA. Some individuals are 'blessed' with open teeth (on upper or lower jaws or both) and it makes them look really cute and dapper, add some dimples to that and you have an outstanding combo (ladies be slaying guys OR blushing and crushing on guys)

The strong desire for Open teeth has however put some desperate folks in trouble with tooth (dentine) sensitivity being a major feature. People like the female client who refuse to heed our advice, resort to self help in filing their anterior teeth or are assisted by quacks thus exposing their dentine. 

There are explainable reasons why some people have open teeth and others don't and if you fall into the latter category, it doesn't reduce your selfesteem (or your market value) in any way .

Children have a natural open teeth in 'Mixed Dentition Stage' when they transit from Primary to Secondary teeth and for some, open teeth persists while for others it disappears. Appreciate your Dentition the way it is and take good care of it .

Your SMILE is unique to You, Be Proud of It. #SeeYourDentist for more intel on mid line diastema (Open teeth‎)

#WOHD2016 #HealthyMouthHealthyBody #OralHealthAwareness #14Logistics

Dr David Orherewe.

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