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The word entrepreneur seems to be the buzzword that comes out of everyone mouth. We live in a day where there are no longer gatekeepers, but it’s more of open season for anyone who have access to a computer. Today we idolize people like Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, Jay-Z, and the late Steve Jobs. Why? Because they all started out like me and you with very little (if any for that matter) and were willing to put in the grunt work to see their dreams come true. One thing I find interesting is we rarely hear from their wives or significant other on how they dealt with the hardships and uncertainty of becoming a successful entrepreneur
If you are like me (an entrepreneur) who have a wife and kids this entrepreneur thing can be a daunting task. We are talking about traveling, dates, deadlines, appearances, paperwork, contracts and I forgot…family time. It can be like that sometimes where your family can be put on the back-burner in pursing your dream. I’m the type of person who won’t stop on a project until it’s finished, therefore taking a lot of my time. My wife knows this and sometimes she has to remind me to slow down, relax and spend some time with the family. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and I still take my wife on dates and spend time with my daughter watching The Regular Show (I haven’t seen a cartoon so funny like it in years). Then I spend time with my son going to restaurants ordering wings and pizza watching UFC fight nights. I believe in order to be a successful entrepreneur, your house must be in order first.
What do I mean by “your house being in order?” My definition is when everyone in your household are on board with what you are doing as an entrepreneur. Yes, there will be arguments and disagreements but for the most part everyone sees the vision and are willing to make some sacrifices now to have a better future. Being an entrepreneur has it’s ups and downs and if your spouse or significant other aren’t on board the results can be devastating. In some cases it cost people marriages or ruined friendships because of money disputes. The upside to entrepreneurship is not being bound to a nine-to-five and having multiple streams of income. Have you taken the time to count the costs before becoming an entrepreneur?
Here are ways entrepreneurship affects your relationship

Sometimes you and your spouse or significant other won’t see eye to eye:
This is something I had to learn the hard way when I started my business. I wanted my wife to agree with everything I did when we first started. A lot of this came from my ignorance and immaturity. Just because you don’t see eye to eye with your spouse on every decision doesn’t mean they are against you, it just mean they see things different. Whatever decision you make whether good or bad, you have to live with it and move on in confidence.

Financial differences can cause distance:
Are you the spender and your spouse a saver? This have caused many arguments in marriages let alone business decisions that has to be made financially. One key to resolve this is when you start to make money from your business, then put that money back into the business so it can run on it’s own. Don’t withdraw money that it takes to run your household into your business account. That’s cutting into your livelihood, so find ways to keep money flowing equally in your business account and your household account. Plus, it will give your wife a piece of mind and when she has a piece of mind she can be a better help to you in growing your business.

Your spouse or significant other won’t always match your intensity:
If you are the one with the vision, you’ll always outwork those who assist in what you do. I’m a big fan of working hard and implementing new ideas, but don’t expect others to match your intensity. See the strengths in your spouse or significant other and let them operate in their strengths. It will save you a lot of stress in the long run.

By Shon Hyneman

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