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It hit me hard after I heard a troubling story about how a woman had stabbed her husband to death. What ever happened that led to that ghastly event I do not know, but what ever it could have been, was it enough to terminate his life? This wasn't the first time such a story would be aired on media channels, In fact, we hear of such stories almost on a weekly basis. Spouses or partners who once professed love to each other at a time turning against each other blatantly, this happens  all over the world. It is frightening, really. And I can't help but wonder; how does love once deep turn so easily into intense hatred?

It is often said that there is a thin line between love and hate but I choose to disagree. Not simply because both words are at the two extremes of opposite words they are two extremes or of words but because the import of both words have been clearly misunderstood by many. It's like calling a tornado a whirlwind. We never hear that there's a thin line between light and darkness or good and evil because their singular meaning cannot be mistaken at any point in time. So should it be with love and hate, but unfortunately, the love we see and often hear about is mistaken as a feeling. When this is the case, such love is bound to make mistakes, it's like a time bomb counting down to its detonation. It scarcely lasts. Though it may appear like a mirror image of the real deal but is really isn't. Meanwhile the real deal, which is true love is known by its concious and continuously selfless acts and is characterised by its actions.

Real love should never be thought of as a feeling because feelings come and go, but love endures, it was created to be lasting. Feelings are most times controlled by our current state of mind or emotions and sometimes by our hormones, which are chemical substances produced in our bodies and are short lived. Feelings of love are a function of what the eyes behold, what the ears hear. The face of the most beautiful woman in the world, the well built man that makes heart skip, his charisma and the sense of humour that speaks volumes or the grace with which she carries herself. You see, all of the feelings produced solely based on what the eyes beheld or what the ears heard are only fleeting. With real love however, way much is noticed, much deeper is seen and more intangible is held.

Yes we can have long lasting and fulfilling marriages where couples stick to each other come what may, strengthen their bonds even in times of little and adversity, raise children in homes that complete them and also replicate such relationships and marriages that will make our world a better place filled with genuine love and service  to humanity to the glory and praise of Him that has created all flesh. Yes, there really is a thin line between feelings of love and hate but never between true love and hate.

Keep Loving,Keeping Living.........LOVE ISSUES.

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