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Wow! It's another new year and it's such a good feeling to know we all made it. God alone be glorified. I must say congratulations and I am hoping it turns out to be our best year yet.

Yes, you and I know that with a New Year comes a lot of new stuff such as new resolutions, new goals, new aspirations, new desires and even new relationships and all these of course are most times different from those we had the previous year or in some cases they could be the same goals we couldn't achieve but with a little bit of restructuring and adjustments all geared in making us better and helping us achieve greater heights.

One thing is sure, in making our new year goals take on materiality we must have a made up mind towards them. It is said that the power of a made up mind is as good as the application of a force in bringing about a desired result. Also, having them written out plainly in a book just for goals and aspirations could really help us have a strong push and determination in achieving them.

One more thing I must say which I believe is the most important that will help in our year becoming more productive is putting our relationship with the Master foremost. You see, successful relationships are not about ourselves, they are about putting the interest of our partners before ours and this includes the relationship we have with our Creator. He alone knows what's best for us as He says that the plans that He has for us are good and beautiful to give us the future we hope for. The more love conscious you are of him and putting him first in everything you do, the more your goals and aspiration falls into place. It's that simple. When we put Him first before every other thing else in our lives, it brings about a connection that gives us the wisdom and the enabling power in making the new year go in a better direction.

My point? Choose to make your relationship with God a better one. Lavish him with your love, affection and time. Study his word, spend time with him In prayers and uphold him in your thoughts just as it is written, " seek God's Kingdom above all else and live righteously and He will give you everything you need".

Make it a choice that you will happen to God every step of the way. Go the extra mile in breaking your alabaster box of oil for the Lord no matter how may times you have to or what it may cost you, draw his attention by drawing near to him, seek to please him with your words, actions and thoughts. Let his desires become your desires, don't be timid in telling the world that your crazy in love with Him and you'll see him help you build all your aspirations into tangibilty, showering you with his presence and His manifold grace. Do have a fruitful year.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.....Love Issues.

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