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Okay, I know you all have been itching to read the concluding part of what we started last week, but before I drop them, I would like to say this. Ladies please choose a man that is  looking at God's prism for consideration, you might ask is that really important?  When you get married then you will fully understand and appreciate why I say this . Choose a man that will help you maximize your full potentials, based on lasting values, a man who leans on God's wisdom for making  choices in life's journey. Choose a man that will help you attain your optimum in life. A man who can shoulder the responsibility of guarding a family, that will serve as a  filter in whom  will allow to ride with you in your journey of destiny. Now here they are

1) A Good Man:  This is the very first quality that should be considered or sought-after.  A good man is  moderate in all things. He gives consideration to others. He's a people-first man. He's a man of good character. He is the same both in the secret and in the open. He's kind and gracious in the way he treats both loved ones and strangers alike.

2) A Faithful Man: A faithful man is more than involved. He decides on what he wants and goes for it. He is consistent in his commitment. For him Love is not a feeling or an emotion, Love is decision, a sure word that he can give you and you can take it to the bank.

3) A Covering :Be with someone  who will not take advantage of your vulnerability or weakness. He provides a protection for you, a defense, a shelter.

4) A Praying Man: A man who is not praying will loose against addiction, he won't  be able to stand against temptation , he will loose courage and moral battles.Rather a praying man will be able to overcome his weaknesses, his fears and the rest, it might not happened abruptly but as long as he is connected in prayers, he will surely overcome.

5) A Man Who Listens: He can be advised, counseled and instructed,. Men who listen to God first then to reason through the voice of mentors and experienced elders. Listening is a sign of humility and teachability. A man who does not listen will not last, will destroy his works overnight, is headed for a divorce.

6) He is Secured : He can handle the success of a woman, not intimidated by a woman's success and properties. He doesn't feel slighted when you make more progress than himself, for he knows his worth and knows men are in sizes while life is in phases.

7) A Matured Man: Maturity is not measured by  age or biceps. A boy has ability while a man has a sense of responsibility. Ability without responsibility makes him a liability. A boy or a man child wants attention, a man gives attention. A boy wants to be heard, a man seeks to know. A boy sees distraction as a side attraction, a man sees a distraction as a detour to his destination,never forget this.

8) He Can Wait: He can delay gratification . He is not like those who would say ' If you truly love me,  you will make love to me'.  He is patient enough to wait and later get the promises of your bodily asset.

9. He's not a stingy person: He's a tither, marry a giver. One who gives liberally, he's generous, gives to the poor, is willing to part with what he has.

10) He's a visionary:He anticipates the future and makes provision for it, sees ahead and plans ahead.

11) He's a Hard Worker:He's productive, he is diligent to his work which gives him his worth. He has the disposition of a goal getter.

12)He should have self leadership:
Freedom is the ability to act responsibly without supervision. He should have the aura of a respectable man where he commands respect from people as well as yourself.

Here you have them. These are qualities I believe if every woman pens down and decides to give any man a chance that has  them, she would be giving her relationship life a lift, placing it in a height that it won't  be contended with. It's important to make up ones mind to go for the best if you want the best in your marriage. A made up mind helps by reducing mistakes people make in relationships. I hope this has been of great help. In subsequent posts we'll be talking to the guys about ladies. Keep your fingers crossed.

Keep Loving, Keep Living........ LOVE ISSUES

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