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And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female,and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?
Mathew 19:4-5(KJV)

Sex! One word that catches the attention of anyone. The word echos in their ears, yet, the meaning even more powerful.
Sex today has become a fundamental topic, a disputable issue and even some people's way of life and it  attracts a lot of discussions, opinions and has transformed over the years. Well it can be said that there is a tremendous difference of how sex was viewed way back then than how it is viewed today due to so called modernization.

Now speaking of sex, not as the gender difference but as the sexual intimacy between a man and a woman is one of the most beautiful experience that can ever happen between two people.  Unfortunately, sex has been depicted wrongly  in almost everything we see ranging from the movies, magazines, clips we get from adverts to romantic novels where in some  cases if not careful, some storylines where sex is explicitly explained can make one become a pervert in the shortest of time and sadly of course not leaving out the worst of them all; pornography.

Little wonder the downgraded behaviors of singles towards sex. They have been left with little or no option in this matter of sex, especially when the only thing apart from the pursuit to be great and become someone of value in the society is thrown at them in different shades and types of which a common bait is premarital sex.

Many have come to believe that having or offering sex to their partners is the best way of expressing what the feel inside of them for their partners which of course they think is love but unfortunately, this type of love isn't the love that they really want to experience. The type of Love they want to experience is Agape, which is the unconditional, selfless, genuine, sacrificial, come-what-may  kind of love but have mistaken it with the sensual or sexual love that arises from  strong passion and  emotions as a result of heightened feelings which is termed Eros. Eros can not survive on its own with out Agape for its in Agape that the other expressions which are Phileo, Storge and Eros gets their bearing. Unfortunately, our modern world is so overly-sexualized that it can recognize no other love than sexual love and that's where they get it all wrong. Sensual love, Eros ought to be an expression of Agape and should only be expressed in the confines of Marriage for that's how it was intended even from the very beginning.

To Be Continued.

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