It's been such a good time all the while and we have come to the last part of the series. I believe it's been an eye opener especially from the point of seeing the truth about sex from God's own point of view. We round off by making more thoughtful emphasis where necessary and penning some additional points.
Just like she perceived, many people have been told premarital sex will make the opposite sex want you more. Sex will make him want to marry you. Sex will prove if your love for him or her is real. Premarital sex will make you a pro (an expert in bed when you're married). Exploring sex before marriage will make you know all that there is to knowing about your erogenous zones, G-spot and controversial spots; that no man wants to marry a virgin; sex in marriage is more enjoyable when premarital sex was present; to keep a relationship going strong, sex has got to be present. Sex makes you way mature than others; masturbation helps your sexual life, pornography prepares you for a great sex life and the list goes on and on and on. All these and more are lies from hells pit no matter what proof they portend to support their claims with but I have come to show you the excellent way concerning this matter and also have got an authority which is the truth of God's word to support all I am going to say.
Sex in its purest form was created by God Almighty himself for reasons solely for a man and his wife which will be discussed below but take note I said 'his wife' because it was after the first man called the first woman his own flesh and bone (Gen 2:23) that sex was birthed as seen in the following verse- "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." The word cleave meant sex, what else would make a man and a woman, two humans becoming one flesh? Now with this verse of scripture as the foundation, we begin to explore what sex really is from God's view and reasons why it was created for the confines of Marriage only and why the blessings of God is on it and if outside marriage it becomes a curse.
1)Sex is a Bond: Just as glue binds or bonds anything completely together; in the same vein, sex binds two people together in all areas such as physically , emotionally , spiritually , psychologically and even mentally . For it is said that: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh"(Gen2:24). The word cleave is outright sex; because only sex binds two to become one flesh. It is also written, ''... and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee (Gen 3 :16c). The word desire explains what the effect of sex does to a woman; she always longs for the man she has had sex with, as her soul and his have been knitted together. So you see, sex leads to bonding that produces many good benefits and blessing in the context of Marriage only. No wonder, some couples who have been married for years suddenly start to look and act alike; but outside marriage, sex leads to devastation, fears, depression and instability just to mention a few. When next you think of sex as an unmarried individual; think also of the things you will be joined or glued to from someone who isn't your spouse. You sure don't want to be bonded to negativities.
2) Sex is for Communication : I believe sex is one of the highest form of communication and that's why unmarried people or singles often jump the gun, they hardly knowing each other allow sex become the next way to communicate by hopping into bed with each other which often which such relationship or one night stands hit the rocks. Many who do this outside the confines of marriage are 99% of the time repulsed by the the following truths they begin to receive from the other person. Many become blinded by the act of sex to the things they won't usually give into. But in a marriage relationship, sex as a form of communication helps the couple to be attentive to the needs and feelings of each other. It gives one the idea of keeping up with acts that will be such a blessing to your spouse thereby increasing the level of trust and intimacy between each other.
3)Sex as a Mirror: In his book "What God Says About Sex", Eric Elder says that what intimacy means is "into-me-see"; meaning sexual intimacy with someone makes you produce the same characteristics of that person. It's acts just as a mirror which produces the exact replica of anyone who looks at a mirror. Rather than let just anyone know you so well to your core and total being that only you should know;it is only logical and reasonable that such a person be your replica and that's what marriage makes sex do to two people and not with couple of bed mates or friends with benefits.
4) Sex is for Oneness: They are a couple of byproducts we all know that sex produces such as bearing kids or procreation and family ties are part of and then, oneness is something sex harnesses; for in this is oneness evident. Where two distinct souls and lives become one, both sharing and still being the same is a mystery. There is also a kind of pleasure that arises from sex; a deep and renewable energy that produces pleasure each time and that can never be felt as good as sex in that purpose of which it was created. This is a mystery and it is God's intention only for the married couple.
What you have just read is what I call the excellent purposes of sex. Now, let's briefly look at what or how sex should be perceived by the singles and the married.
Sex To Singles: As you have read and I believe you have come to understand that sex isn't for singles mainly because you have not been joined in holy matrimony to anyone and so sex should be viewed as a No-Go-Area . It is a gift given by God but can only be explored in the confines of marriage. So does this take away your sexual feelings?, obviously not; it even makes them more pronounced but going for the knowledge of the entirety of sex should help you put your body under subjection till when the time is ripe. To those who are still virgins, I say the best sexual encounters are in marriage. You should learn everything about sex few months to your wedding. To those who have have had sexual encounters and are yet to be married or have lost their spouses, the truth of God's word has brought light to this topic; make it count by choosing and living right.
Sex to the Married: To the married, I say sex is beautiful as you all know and any thing done to fulfil the satisfaction of your spouse is completely acceptable in this institution as it is stated that "Let marriage be held in honor among all" - Heb 13:4. Feel free to explore and achieve the best pleasure that you both have to offer each other. Do all it takes to spice up your sex life. It is said that sex is an act that gets better over time. Do not be deceived by frail pleasures of adultery or fornication, it damages one in ways beyond that which meets the naked eye.
I leave you with words from the scriptures which is able to build you up and give you a better understanding about sex. Incline and apply your hearts to them. Selah.
Do you know the saying, "Drink from your own rain barrel, draw water from your own spring-fed well".It is true. Otherwise, you may one day come home and find your barrel empty and your well polluted.Your spring water is for you and you only, not to be passed around among strangers. Bless your fresh-flowing fountain!Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose—don't ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted! Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore; for dalliance with a promiscuous stranger? Proverbs 5:15-20 (MSG)
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