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Stop being deceived; God is not to be ridiculed. A person harvests whatever he plants:

The person who sows through human means will harvest decay from human means, but the person who sows in the Spirit will harvest eternal life from the Spirit.

Galatians 6:7-8(ISV)

"I am sorry but I can't just date a single guy. I prefer older men,  preferably married men because they know how to take care of ladies very well. Imagine, what does the single or young guy have that he wants to give me that the married or older man does not have. I am sorry oh,  I just can't date such. Older men are my type".  This lady went on and on right in front of a camera; she didn't bulge neither was she bothered as her personality was going to be known once the recording was aired on the popular television station. All she wanted to do was to prove a point,  that being a side chick or a 'back up' was what she preferred in a love relationship with older men. I was dazed and weak because I knew there was something obviously wrong with her mindset even as a teenager that I was back then. Her face has never left my memory.

Unfortunately, it has now become an in-thing for people to be married and still have someone they have emotional ties with; someone they are intimate with sexually other than their spouse. This is a worldly interest which is evil. Even the unmarried or singles are not left out. Some actually double date, nursing the idea of it being cool and  that's how it progresses even into marriage becoming a full blown nefarious lifestyle. For what ever reason they do such, it doesn't worth the low self esteem, torn character, negative self image and worse more,  a life filled with regrets and damaged mindset with unrest that such a choice brings. It makes you believe the lies of the devil that God doesn't love you and you are not worthy to have a true love from a typical human being. We see in scriptures people that had side chicks. They regretted it all their lives. Abraham's son Ishmael, from Hagar - his wife's Sarah maid became a thorn to the family (Gen 21:9). Despite marrying the woman he didn't love, Leah became a side chick to Jacob. She had to fight for his love all her life trying hard to get it even with child bearing but it never happened (Gen 29:32; 30:9-21). Samson's side chick Delilah led him to his death (Judges 14:16; 18-19).  What more can I say.

My point is,  refuse to be an alternative or a 'back up' to someone either they are married or not. Christ Jesus didn't die to make you a side chick,He died for you to reign supreme in every area of your life. You are special (1 Pet 2:9). God made you in his image, fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14). Just as Eve was made just for Adam, so it is for everyone who discovers their purpose in God and trusts Him to give them their own spouse. Do not be deceived by the deceitfulness of the devil. Make up your mind to go for the things that will bless your soul and mind. Stand by quality choices. Don't be deceived into false common knowledge. It is my prayer you find strength to choose the best life always.


  1. This side chick issue crept into our lives in the late twenties but has now become a norm in our present society. I hope people will learn from this piece.

    1. Thank you sir for comment. You are right.We can only hope and continue to speak the truth in love. God bless you.


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