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To me, love means finding someone that brings out the best version of yourself and challenges you to be better. Someone who you are completely comfortable with and who knows you inside and out. Someone who is truly your partner and best friend and that you can share all your experiences with." - Nina R

Col 2:2-4 (MSG)
I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we've been shown the mystery! I'm telling you this because I don't want anyone leading you off on some wild-goose chase, after other so-called mysteries, or "the Secret."

The topic of Love has always caught my fancy right from my early days to the extent that I would draw sketches of the love symbol with an arrow shot across it (like that of a Cupid) any time I held my pen. Almost all my books had that diagram in them to show I was the owner. I'm happy that God has revealed His love to me today in such a precious way and is using me to help people see what He thinks about love. Going through the definition of love given by some ladies, I got a hold on this one used as the opening quote today. It struck a chord in me because there was so much in it that I could relate with, especially since I now have an understanding of what the Bible's viewpoint of what a love relationship between a man and a woman should be.

There should be a lot more to being in love with someone than just the feelings it brings,, the romance that's attached or even the emotional highs you get. Sure they all are good in themselves but there should be something else that makes it richer and more satisfying. The ability for love to transform you into being a bigger and better you in every way and manner you could think of, is exactly what I mean. When the relationship you re in with someone doesn't make you any better in your totality as a person, body, soul and spirit, then I believe there's a lack somewhere which shouldn't be. True love has the ability to make you better and to challenges one to grow from a level of just being normal to that of being supernatural. Love should improve you.

We see this in the way the love of Christ for His bride, the church, has made her standout. Even the love between two persons naturally makes them want to improve on themselves to become better for each other. It shouldn't be burdensome but should be as a pastime one loves doing which continues through out life. The verse for today says love gives you confidence and rest for your minds when one has a sound connection with the love of God through Christ Jesus. It should be the same way with one whom you love. If you have been disturbed before now about this particular issue and you have longed for something greater in your relationship, let go and let God come into your situation and transform that into what you have always wanted. Only believe, pray and love more.

Keep Loving, Keep Living..................LOVE ISSUES.
ff @bibilovejunkie

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