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There comes a time in a love relationship where it seems that either one or both persons do not feel as much love as they used to when they both decided to go down the path of the lovers creek. But it would interest you to know that such times must be present in any relationship and it's not necessarily because the persons involved no longer are in love with each other. Amongst other things, it may be due to some misplaced knowledge (that's if the knowledge was present in the first place) which if not kept at the centre of our minds, the loss may eventually lead to the ultimate collapse of such relationship.

So, what do you do when such times arise in your relationship? These are some of the things you need to know that will in turn spur you to actions which will lead to a habit, then a character which becomes a part of you naturally. Hmmmm, so, here they are

1) KNOW WHAT LOVE REALLY MEANS: Love is not a feeling or a set of behaviors that suddenly comes upon you when you are so attracted to someone; love is a decision to give your all to someone; it's a commitment that sprouts from a conviction. It's an ongoing unconditional exercise is faith which can only be found in its origin, the Creator Himself. Being open to the love that comes from the Father is surely one way to get love flowing again in your relationship. The understanding of what true love is goes a long way in replenishing your ability to love back when it seems that your spouse/partner isn't even responding and/or when you don't feel his/her love for you.

2) LOVE YOURSELF: Not feeling loved could also be as a result of not valuing yourself and loving you for who you have been designed to be. God's Word says that we all have been wonderfully and fearfully made. Each of us was made to have a certain uniqueness, so, it's important that you love yourself and appreciate your make up. That's how you'll find the confidence that always attracts your spouse/partner towards you.

3) DEAL WITH MISUNDERSTANDING$: Misunderstandings are what I refer to as little foxes that spoil the vineyard of love relationships. You can't be too careful not to offend your loved one no matter how much you try, it's bound to happen sometimes. The best way to overcome is is to always be open, let out whatever you have in your heart and discuss it with your spouse/partner, that solves a lot and helps love blossom.

4) KEEP COMMUNICATING: Take this away from any relationship and before you know it, the emotional connection ends first and soon after, the entire relationship dies out like a beautiful flower cut off from its source. When it comes to communicating, use everything and anything to talk, communicate with your spouse/partner about anything and everything. Tell them anything you think, feel or even fear. Do not hold anything back. Even make a discussion out of the fact that you're sorry about something you realised you did wrong. Like scripture says, admitting our shortcomings and praying for each other helps us find healing for our souls.

The feeling of being unloved is just that - a feeling. It changes, varies in that it comes and goes but true love is unconditional. In this knowledge comes the ability for love to thrive continuously in a relationship.

Keep Loving,Keep Living.................LOVE ISSUES.

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