As I completed a book that I have been reading, I came across something quite interesting about making relationships work. In a book written by Michelle Mckinney Hammond, she quoted the words of someone who had made some impact in her life and ministry. For me, it didn't just make a lot of relationship sense as I put it, rather it gave me a kind of courage to continue what I am into. It read, "We study for every other job on the planet except the most important one of all, the job of making the oldest institution - marriage work." You'll agree that it all starts from making relationships work because its the foundation you build in your relationships that would give a solid build up in marriage.
This week we shall be considering the second to our last in the Values of a Successful Relationship series.
Isn't commitment the same as being in a relationship, after all one can't be in a relationship without first committing, I presume as some of you would perhaps have that question in your minds. But it isn't the same. It's a little higher. Commitment is like a means to an end. I guess you must have heard of some guys (and sometimes ladies) who tend to have fears of being committed to a relationship because they think the opposite sex are like different flavors of ice cream. This set of people want what relationships can give but do not want the responsibility therein. Another group of people are into some form of relationships where they even live like married couples, doing every thing as a married couple would do but do not want to take that level of commitment to a higher and permanent level due to some preconceived ideas and notion of marriage.
Commitment in a relationship reflects the quality of that relationship. Like we know, diamonds are more expensive than gold because of its rare quality. This illustration is likened to the different levels of commitment which could be in a relationship. There is a private declaration of your love and support to your partner with the hope of making it a public declaration someday when you make your vows in marriage.
You see, being committed means taking your love relationship serious with honesty and intimacy. It means seeing it as one that would get to the desired destination, not as one just for the fun of the ride alone. It would interest you to know that people who get into relationships with a made up mind and a destination in view are more likely to find success than those who just get in in a half-hearted manner. This is because the latter category of people are somewhat insecure and sooner or later often feel no need to proceed, sometimes because of the fear that the other person will quit sooner or later. This happens due to going into a relationship for the wrong reasons other than pursuing purpose and happiness with their partner.
Being committed means to pledge, promise and obligate yourself to someone you have chosen to love knowing that someday your commitment would be part of the story that made your marriage work. It means making up your mind and doing everything that needs to be done so that your relationship and marriage will be an example that a lot of young people as well as adults will be glad to associate with. I'm addressing commitment almost at the end of this series of tips because it's one defining factor of any relationship that intends to see the blessings that marriage brings. Now it's entirely left up to you both to apply what you have read today, especially the man in the relationship. After all the man wasn't created for the woman but the woman for the man. Best wishes.
Keep Loving, Keep Living.............LOVE ISSUES
Thank you BB. Keep sowing this seed; the harvest will announce you to the world! I feel goose bumps when I imagine how you will impact the world with this vision. Keep it up.