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The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being." - Tom Robbins

Eph 5:25 (NLT)
For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.

I heard a very inspiring and intriguing story about a well known couple that were at the verge of divorce due to quite a number of things on going in the life of the woman. According to her husband, his wife was losing it; speaking about everything from her career to her family, to her marriage and even her health. But thank God for her husband who took it upon himself to make things different and better. He, in that state of despair and faced with the fear of losing his wife and his marriage, chose to flood her with all the love,feelings of love, acts of love, sweet sayings of love that he could generate on his inside. According to his account, unbelievably she suddenly began to pick up and blossomed in a way she had never done before. She became like a beautiful rainbow laced in a cloud heavy with rain. His gestures of love had told her beyond the shadow of a doubt she was unique and irreplaceable.

There is no force as strong and powerful as true love in bringing the change you want to see in your partner/spouse. Men need to know that just as Christ loved the church and gave His all for her, making her the ground and pillar of truth that the gates of hell cannot comprehend, so, will the love you shower on her make her, no matter what might be happening in your marriage/relationship at this point in time. You can transform and bring the desired sweetness into your lives. Quit waiting for situations to change. Situations are actually waiting for you to start loving unreservedly. When things seem to fall apart in the life of your partner, that's the time not to quit and give up. That's the time to demonstrate your conviction about how important they are to you.

Even if it appears that sickness has laid a bad hold on your partner, understand that your love can bring them wellness and wholeness again. It's called love's change. The key word is Love. Husband, love her so dearly in ways so great that only she will be able to describe your love to the world and spread your fragrance all around as she carries it about. A good man is known by the state of his wife. Is she always moody? Is she always depressed? Or is there an excitement in her? The woman in your life reflects the inputs you've made in her life. The message today is to keep your wife/partner convinced that she's irreplaceable. She will naturally unconsciously reciprocate the love she receives. God bless all the men and husbands. We deeply appreciate you.

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES

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