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"True love alone can unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone joins them by what is deepest in themselves. All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of men and the earth" - Pierre Teilhard De Chardin.

1 Cor.14:1a (AMP)
EAGERLY PURSUE and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]...

Every day the thought of how to spur people to truly love, to come to the understanding of what to love beyond the sense knowledge can yield in our lives, to embrace the only force that can change for good the course of our lives and give us a hope and a beautiful future in its purest form. As He enables me, this is what I enjoy doing. I wish I can let everyone understand that fulfilment is hidden in loving people. The more we operate in love, the more sense of fulfilment we'll have. There's something about that rest on the inside, that settlement in your heart that makes you know you're spending your life exactly the way you should. Such only comes from embracing love as a practical way of life.

Dear friends, true love comes from God and when it becomes what we are known for, then it is clear that we know God. To love means loving as God does. When we love, it takes us to the realm of God as it were, where the supernatural is commonplace, where love knowledge breaks through and envelops sense knowledge, where the beauty of life becomes inexplicable. I have found that the more we love unreservedly, the healthier we become. Loving people expels worries and burdens. It makes joy and happiness flow on your inside and that's what you need to enjoy a life of health and Wellness. To be free from internal tensions you need to learn how to walk in love. Sometimes as humans we tend to want to quit and seize from being love givers. Please remember at such times that God cannot quit loving because God is love. Let's draw our inspiration to love from God and not from the response of people around us.

Notice that the scripture we're focusing on today shows us that there's got to be a deliberate move from you and me when it comes to living a life of love. We are told to earnestly pursue it and to make it our great quest. This means it has to be conscious. Loving people isn't something that happens to you; no, it's something you do with your two eyes wide open and your brain knowing what you're doing. Do not wait for some sort of strange feeling to come on you. The wisdom of God come into you and that's all you require. We all start from deliberately and consciously loving people until it becomes what we do unconsciously. Here's a secret that has come into the open: If you want to experience God afresh, then follow after and earnestly pursue love. Dear friend, deliberately and consciously reach out to others in words and deeds of love today.

Keep Loving, Keep Living............LOVE ISSUES

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