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Picture this; You are the richest man on the surface of the earth with all manner and kinds of business empires spread all around the world with returns so great.I believe you would always be on your toes to do everything in your power to keep your commercial organizations well managed in other to keep flourishing. Guess what,that's the same way we should view our relationships.

Relationships are as investments,the more you put into it the better your chances of getting the best out of them. So today we look at some helpful tips that would get the best from your commitments.

1. BE SWEET: Many times people do not observe how important it is to be nice. They would rather pick on little things and be quarrelsome. If that is the default mode you've accepted, then you need to see that being nice does not make you weak. When you're nice, you're creating a healthy environment of love for your relationship and you're planting seeds in other people that will come back to you.

2. LEARN TO PLEAD: One of the major killers of good relationships is pride. There are many relationships that should have blossomed but that are no more today because pride came into the picture. The more commanding you get, the less loving you become. Even in the Bible, several times you find Paul the apostle beseeching the New Testament believers. He could have commanded them but he knew that won't be a gesture of love. Learn to entreat instead of shooting orders. It's a little thing that can make a huge difference in your relationship.

3. READ: You might have noticed that great insights are transferred from one person to another through books. Reading enhances your understanding and it's people who have understanding we call wise people. In other words, the more you read, the wiser you become. The role of wisdom in every relationship cannot be over stated. So, develop and sustain the reading culture. Buy books and teachings on marriage and building successful relationships. Get some more education. Read and re-read. Your relationship deserves this work. To live better we need to know better.

4. LIVE WORRY FREE: Worry is slavery of the mind. It cannot change anything, yet it panics about everything. Worrying will deprive your relationship of the sweetness it should have. One reason why people worry is because their hearts are not anchored on what the Bible says. You see, nourishing your spirit daily with the Word of God does more for you than you can imagine. God's Word will bring supernatural peace into your mind. Yes, the Word will naturally breed rest and calmness in you. You need these for your relationship to be sweet because loving someone well involves the use of the mind.

Keep Loving,Keep Living............LOVE ISSUES.

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