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"Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. And you have to decide to do it on purpose. You can't wait for a feeling to motivate you." - Joyce Meyer

2 Pet. 1:5-8 (ISV)
For this very reason, you must make every effort to supplement your faith with... love. For if you possess these qualities, and if they continue to increase... they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in attaining a full knowledge of our Lord Jesus...

In life it is said that nothing good comes easy and I have cause to believe that for I have seen that every thing beautiful,, glamorous and unique would not just drop from the skies to ones laps, rather it has got to be worked for with skills to get the best result. Even love isn't left out. To prove to someone that you do care for them, you would have to show it in ways you know such a person would believe. What Joyce is saying in essence in the opening quote above is: When love hasn't cost you something deeper than just mere feelings for others, then it hasn't started and can't be considered as anything.

Truth is, it isn't easy at all and one might fall severally when still trying to build that culture of loving others in spite of them but that shows that you are doing just good; your love will come to maturity over a period of time. So, do everything it takes in your power to express and pursue love until it becomes a part of you. Never forget that you're always on the winning side when you love. When we love we're partnering with God and everyone knows that God's team cannot but win. Look my friend, it doesn't matter how unpopular it is where you are to love others, don't quit being sweet like Jesus. If there's no one to give you the inspiration, then rise up and be the inspiration for someone else.

Today's scripture puts everything we've been saying in the proper perspective. Peter the apostle says it's not sufficient to say you believe in Jesus. As good as that is, you must go beyond that point if you want to be effective and productive in your relationship with God. You see, we may all receive the knowledge of God through the Word that is communicated to us day-in and day-out but we won't all be productive alike. Some will be barren, some will be barely fruitful while some others will be abundantly productive. Peter says our degree if productivity, amongst other things, is a function of how much we supplement our believing in Jesus with walking in love. Dear friend, this love life we talk about affects everything that concerns you. It will give you success even in your walk with God. Stay blessed.

Keep Loving, Keep Living................LOVE ISSUES

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