It's been a couple of weeks since we discussed Building Lasting Relationships. We talked quite a lot and showed that the term relationship isn't just used for what two persons commit to when they have chosen to love each other but it's also used to describe the bond between family members, business partners, co-workers and between a leader and his followers. Which ever kind of relationship it might be, there is a bond and an understanding that exists between the persons involved. Today we shall be talking about how to protect these different kinds of relationship we may have with different people.
Have you ever wondered why one of the happening trends and the fastest way of getting in touch with people today is the social media? Name it, from Facebook to Instagram, to Twitter and all the numerous social media platforms, people from different parts of the world connect and share ideas, thoughts,plans, business strategies, messages and even pictures just to make a connection or a bond, so as to preserve relationships or to create them. This is so because intuitively we all recognise that relationship is the essence of our being and our living. It has a very vital part to play in our being here on planet earth. I know so because it is written in God's word that when He wanted to make man He said "Let us make man..." This statement shows that God places value on relationship and agreement. Man was made not just in the image of God but also in the likeness of God. That means to be like God; to relate and agree with one another. God also went ahead to grant man a kind of relationship called dominion where man was placed higher than the animals and every other living thing.
From this insight I believe you would agree with me that man is to value his fellow man and no man no matter how highly placed, be it as a nature of his job, or the privileges he enjoys in this life or whatsoever, should exercise dominion over another human being. That us completely out of order. The Creator's design is that we should develop and protect relationships among ourselves. You see, a lot of people have wondered why the country of Israel has always been very strong and unbeatable despite all the challenges and wars they have been faced with over all the years. The reason is so glaring. It's because God almighty chose them to be a country that the rest people of the earth cannot match in the sense that He made a covenant with them. God Himself established a relationship with the nation of Israel and He respects covenants. Covenant is about bringing a relationship to a level where it is strong and secure.
In protecting and valuing our relationships, one vital and only force that should be at work is love unfeigned, genuine love, true love, the God kind of love. It is the essence, the root and foundation of relationships. Until people understand, accept and make this a part of their lives the mishaps that happen to broken homes, separations, divorces, dysfunctional societies and all the result of the lack of true love would continue to eat deep into the fabric of our existence. Love refers to those things we do to protect relationships from its tiniest form to its grandest.
Naturally, the acts of love are not always easy to implement especially when your heart wants to live by the decision to love no matter the circumstances. Some people discourage you and act as wet blankets, making it a bit hard for love to thrive. When we protect our relationships, we let love thrive and we claim the victory in every area of life. Jesus Christ says that when we love one another the world would know that we are His. This speaks of true identity. Until we live the life garrisoned by genuine love for others we do not have a clue of who we are.
Protecting our relationships is fundamental to our existence and only when we choose to love others to the best of our abilities as Christ loves us do we create the true security needed for our relationships to grow and blossom.
Keep Loving, Keep Living..................LOVE ISSUES.
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