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"Love ever gives, forgives, outlives and ever stands with open hands. And while it lives, it gives. For this is love's prerogatives - to give and give and give." - John Oxenham

John 3 :16
This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.

As I sat there in the congregation and I listened to the preacher speak on a topic he titled The Most Excellent Way, I knew I was in for a very interesting sermon that would help me evaluate myself. Before now it had been me having to do the speaking, telling people about what true love means. Now I was listening to this sermon on love. As the preacher gave his points, they seemed to me like icons being dropped on a computer screen waiting to be clicked to discover so much more that each contained. One of such things I heard was that giving is the bedrock of love. I totally agree and have added that forgiving is the energy which fuels giving. You cannot describe true love without seeing it's characterized by giving and forgiving.

Let's consider the fact that love gives. You see, from the very lips of Christ, He explained the love that God had for the whole earth, how that the very thing that followed that love of God was Him giving His best, His one and only begotten Son for the payment of our sins. Also Christ, as the Son, willingly gave His life for us. He could have as well told the Father that He couldn't do it, that He couldn't die to save the world. Notice He wasn't forced by the Father to yield His life. But thanks be to God He did offer Himself in our place. The Father and the Son show us by example that truly loving someone is accompanied by a choice to give out something very valuable to you. It's in the character of love to gladly give its time. Love places the interest of others right before it's own and derives happiness from the happiness it gives to others.

Speaking of love and forgiveness, how does forgiving have any thing to do with love? To forgive is to out rightly wipe away the wrong deeds or grievances of someone. The type of forgiveness that true love renders is one that also forgets that wrong which was done. But it is sometimes not the easiest thing for someone to totally forget the hurt even when they have forgiven such wrong done against them because of our human nature. Though it's not easy, it's possible. Some of the wrongs done to me I cannot even remember anymore. Forgiveness becomes whole when we choose to and are willing not just to forgive but to forget as well. Thank God for God who daily and unendingly demonstrates to us always this wholesome forgiveness. When we sin against Him, realize it and apologize, no matter how terrible such deed may be, He cleanses us, loves us like nothing ever happened and forgets what we did. Sometimes we are even too dull to realize our mistakes let alone apologise, yet He forgives us.

So, here they are, the best and only prerogatives of true (divine) love, giving and forgiving. With both in your heart and exercised towards the people around you, you can never be wrong. With these you can only attract and draw towards you all the favor, blessings and riches that God has in stock for you.

Keep Loving, Keep Living..................LOVE ISSUES

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