"She helps without making you feel you have blown it all. She builds your hopes and tells you you can turn out much better. She does not remind you of your sins. Her name is love" - C.E.O
John 8:11
...And Jesus said to her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.
In our relationships with people there is that natural tendency to sometimes recall their errors of the past especially when something in the present goes wrong and we can see that it has an obvious link to the previous errors these people have done. I have also made this mistake several times. What I have come to realise is that when I remind people of where they missed it and the gravity of what they did; when I sort of blame what's happening now on their previous errors, I'm not helping them at all. Such things kind of weaken them, break them down and make them feel sad. This sadness is not godly sorrow. You know, I find that it's really amazing that God forgets our sins and does not call them to remembrance. Honestly, this can be one of the greatest assistance you and I can ever give to people.
People will err because they are humans. You also err. The big deal is really not that they err but how we respond to their errors. I noticed that when I used to throw people's past flaws in their face and they get to feeling bad, I also begin to feel bad because I realise I have ruined someone's joy. Nowadays, God is helping me live a better life. Have you realised that when you do not condemn people by recalling their sins, what you're doing is giving them an opportunity to stay happy, and as a result you too are happy? The point is, love assists. People are struggling with a lot of stuff. They want to get better. Their past keeps coming back in their minds and starring them in the face. As christians, our job is not to make them feel more terrible. Take a second look at today's quote. The author of that quote gives love a personal pronoun as he describes how true love treats others. It really bears repeating, " She helps without making you feel you have blown it all. She builds your hopes and tells you you can turn out much better. She does not remind you of your sins..."
The aim of today's post is to help us appreciate the fact that we are assisting people when we have an opportunity to condemn them but then we don't. Today's verse is extracted from the story of a woman caught sinning against God and her husband. She was caught in the very act of adultery. She was brought to Jesus by those who caught her. No doubt she was guilty. She had messed up. She had blown it. She deserved to die according to the law. She knew this. She could see her end. Hopeless, she knew she only had minutes to live. She was dragged to Jesus to hear what He had to say about the whole thing. Jesus could have torn her to pieces with the claws of justice. He had the right to. He could have thrown her right under the bus. But He didn't. He didn't even mention her sin. Love covered a multitude of her sins. He gave her the assistance she needed to live a better life - no condemnation. May God help us give people this same assistance as we relate with them.
Jesus could have told the woman, "You see, now you're about to be killed and it's all because of that silly sin you committed. You didn't have to plunge yourself into that mess but you decided to. Can you see what all that has caused you now? It's messing up your life now..." Jesus could have gone on and on like that but He didn't. We should not talk this way too. All such talking is nothing but condemnation. People who have messed up already know. Their consciences and even the devil keep making them feel sore. We should not add to their woes. We should heal instead. If you want people to live a better life, like Jesus told this woman to, then we must make sure we do not condemn them. And if there are people we have condemned, we can go talk with them, apologise and let them know God isn't condemning them either for what they have done. Let's assist, not condemn.
Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES
Awesome!!!!...........we the love junkies!!!!