"My premise is that the popular aphorism that 'all religions are fundamentally the same and only superficially different' simply is not true. It is more correct to say that all religions are, at best, superficially similar but fundamentally different." - Ravi Zacharias
James 1:26-27
26 If any man among you seems to be religious, and does not bridle his tongue, but so doing deceives his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their suffering condition, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
The issue of religion is a big subject for many people. In history and even in recent times, many people have gone to unimaginable lengths both to prove that their religion is the one that has God's approval and to impose the practices of that religion on others. But we can always know a right religion from one that's wrong by the role love plays in our personal lives and in our dealings with others. How can we know what's true religion? It's amazing that James the apostle in today's portion of Scripture speaks about the subject of religion by first talking about exercising control over our tongues. A person who is really serving God (remember God is Love) does not take delight in misusing their words. Love has a way of making you want to only say those things that will be beneficial to the well being, growth and development of others. Even when you realise that you haven't exactly accomplished that with your words, Love stirs you to want to make amends with your words. That is, you're quick to express apology for the wrong words you have used in the past.
No, it's not true that every religion is the same. True enough, they appear similar in the sense that they all allege loyalty to a supreme being but in their core, they are critically not one and the same. God's attitude is that He looks out for others. God isn't selfish and self centered. If He was, we would not be here today. God is always wanting to help, to bless and to prosper others. That's the reason He created the world and makes the day and the night replace each other without fail. He makes the sun shine on everyone and gives air freely for all to breathe. He used His own technology to create these things but He does not charge us a dime for using them. That's love. His love blesses with things we don't deserve. His love is fervent and unconditional. That means, it stays the same no matter the condition. James the apostle speaks of visiting the fatherless and the widows in their suffering conditions. This is love, when you do not think your life is just about you. When you understand that you can were destined to make the lives of others beautiful.
God has a definition of religion. Religion is not about doctrines and dogmas; it's about love, the kind of love that only the presence of God Himself in the heart of a man produces, The Bible talks about how that those who have the hope of Jesus Christ's return in their hearts stay away from evil and tend toward purity. Their desire to meet Him makes them withdraw from things that are not in line with His kind of person. They do not follow the rhythm of society. Their expectation has made them different in their inclinations. They love people fervently just like Jesus did and would. Although they love people, they are not weak spiritually. Through the ability of God's Spirit and the constant nourishment of God's Word, they are able to live lives that are typically different from the world. This is what God calls religion. Fundamentally, it's loving people and loving God. Only commitment to Christ can bring this about. Quit struggling. Allow Christ's love reproduce itself in you. Think like God; define religion by love, the love of Christ at work in your heart.
Keep Loving, Keep Living............LOVE ISSUES
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