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When we love,we always strive to become better than we are. when we strive to become better than we are,everything around us becomes better too"_ Paulo Coelho

Romans 13:
10 Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.(NLT)

As an individual I have come to understand( and still learning more though) the importance of this spiritual force called love and the tremendous result it brings to any man that decides to let it be his motivator in all issues of life.

In our society today, the subject of success is in every man's dream ,aspiration as well as prayers either in becoming a better individual or in the totality of a human pursuit in life but it has become one of the many reasons why people indulge in all sort of illicit acts.

I am convinced with no iota of a doubt, based on God's Word that one sure way of making it in this life(and in the life that is to come) is being able to generate this spiritual force called True Love (Agape) to everything and everyone around you at all times. You might want to ask me why am so sure and I’ll tell you. It’s because it’s the center and the core principles of all that is written the scriptures. The life of Christ Jesus was characterized by true love from the time He was born up till the time of his death,resurrection and ascension. True love is what lies as the foundation of the earth and anyone that lives by it would always attract good and the best that life has to offer to them. Now this is the secret on becoming famous and successful by loving people for who they are, accepting their flaws, being kind and accommodating and living the life of affection by giving in any capacity, be it a hug ,a holy kiss, a smile, a call, a possession of who needs it badly or even your time knowing that this expression comes from within you and does not expect an outcome in return.

True love is a choice , a decision you make to choose its course and walk its path until you do, it would only be what inspires you when it can be much more of what drives you.

Keep Loving,Keep Living...........LOVE ISSUES.

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