"Love is the chain that locks a child to its parent." - Abraham Lincoln
Colossians 2:2 (NET)
My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ,
Have you ever seen a woman trying to correct her child in public but what she gets is more like a disgrace? In other words, it would have been better she didn't even think of having to correct that child because her attempt suddenly exposes more of the child's reckless rebellion. I remember seeing a case like this and I felt quite sad for the lady because her son made poor comments come from the people at the function. The whole display made me shake my head. Most times people think loving their children excludes having to bring them to the place of discipline. That's not true. There is discipline in love but love isn't all about disciplining. Excessive discipline has driven some people to rebel. Children want relationship born out of love, not rules and regulations. The character of a child is a reflection of the quality of relationship that exists in the home that child comes from.
Parenting is something everyone should learn about, both those who have children and those who are looking forward to having their own children. It's beautiful to see a child grow up into adulthood and yet he/she still has a strong loving bond with its parents. This should be what every parent wants. Achieving this is what this post is about today. Different parents take different routes in trying to achieve this. Some parents think this attachment can only be forced, so, they seek to achieve it by using the rod always. In their minds, they feel the child has to be beaten into submission. That perspective is cruel.. While I do see the need for discipline when the occasion calls for it, I make people understand that a strong hand cannot achieve in a child what love can achieve. Yes, love disciplines when there is need for it but love does not force another person into submission. Besides, when you discipline, the child should know without doubt that you re doing it because you love him.
So, if this bond between parents and children cannot be gotten through sheer force, what can produce it in the child? Love can. The smallest unit of society is the family and it is important to know that when the force of true love is at the core of any family, flowing steadily from the parents to the children, most of the ills that youngsters indulge themselves in won't be the case. What should constantly stream from a parent is love, not even rebuke. It is hard to believe that the person who always points out your faults truly loves you. We expect that those who love us should at least be able to overlook our faults most times. What every child needs is love in all ramifications. Love shows them the right path they are to take in life. It involves talking with them, listening to them , patiently teaching them etc. Yes, we show our love for our children by making out time to be a part of their lives, sharing with them what's happening in their world. Loving your children goes beyond merely providing food and shelter for them. In conclusion, as today's scripture portion says, love is what ties the hearts of people together. It has the ability to tie the heart of a child to the hearts of his parents and encourage the child to live in ways that make their parents proud. A child who has received great love from its parents always lives to love and honour those parents.
Keep Loving, keep Living…………......Love Issues
P.S: It's my pleasure ti inform you that yours truly is participating in the on-going MY BIG NIGERIAN WEDDING competition 2015.
It started in November last year with over 140 couples in the first stage.
At the end of Stage 1, the first 50 couples in terms of number of votes, crossed into Stage 2. From this stage only 10 couples will move on to the final stage where the winner of the competition will be selected.
The final stage has no voting of any kind as it's designed to be an interactive session. Therefore, Stage 2 is where I and my fiance need you most.
The winner of this competition will have their wedding and honeymoon sponsored this year to the tune of 15million naira.
For now, Stage 2 is purely about voting online daily but other voting methods like SMS voting will also be used in this stage. We'll notify you when the other methods start.
Below is the simple voting procedure :
1. Click on the link below
2. Like the WED Daily page (if you haven't)
3. Click Vote
4. Encourage your family and friends to do the same.
We're in this matter together. Thanks a whole lot and God bless you.
Here's the link - http://woobox.com/dymgeb/vote/for/5189947
Bibi &Chichi
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