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"Christianity is a love relationship between a child of God and his Maker through the Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit." - Adrian Rogers

Rom. 8:17a (KJV)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ...

It does break my heart when I hear of how people would torture, maim and/or kill other people, people like themselves in the name of religion.
I sometimes ask myself what kind of religion would make a man kill in cold blood and deprive another human being the right to live. Something is obviously wrong somewhere. A lot of people have gone around from pillar to post searching for answers to their spiritual needs, looking for a higher level of relationship which would calm all their fears and provide answers to the questions in their hearts. People everywhere want to be loyal to a higher power they believe will reward them for their loyalty. Man was created to worship God. The search for this God has made people branch off in many directions. It's simple to find God. God is love! Almost everyone at one time or another must have wondered, "How do you know if the religion you are in now is the very right religion that would take you to the right eternal destination?"

The answer to such question isn't hard to find at all if one truly knows the essence of life. Just as a good quantity of salt and seasoning gives cooked food a palatable taste, so also does love give life its meaning. Love is the salt of life. Anyone who is sincere knows this is true. The aim of every religion is to secure the love of the Supreme Being (God). But it's only common sense to deduce that if He's a God of love, He must take delight in us loving one another. Someone once said love is the best use of life. That's exactly true. Only true love can change the course of a worthless life to one that has meaning. Only true love can transform the worst of criminals into totally different people. Love can make a saint out of a previously devious person. Only true love can diffuse the dark clouds of hatred and instill the light of peace and kindness. When a person is given the power to be a leader of people, only true love can make him live his life as a sacrifice for the good and welfare of the people he's serving.

When we talk of Christianity, we're really not referring to a religion the way the world thinks of the term 'religion'. Christianity is a relationship between a loving Father and His family. It's a way of life that exalts the life and importance of true love and its tremendous power to heal, lift, save and deliver from anything evil. Won't you rather come into the life of true love and taste the goodness of a wonderful God whose nature is true love? His supernatural life at work in your heart and mind will bring peace and every good thing of life. God is love. Anyone who does not love does not know God. The love of God was expressed in His Son who He sent in the form of a human being, Jesus Christ. To show us what love is and what love does, Jesus gave up His life for our preservation and security. Love preserves. Love secures. Love does not delight in destroying. Love is giving you an invitation today. Accept it by accepting Jesus. True love makes life worth living here on earth and only a life dedicated to loving people can guarantee you the reward of eternity with God.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.................LOVE ISSUES

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