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It's the time of the year where the whole air is filled with love. Everywhere you look it's either a love seminar starting up,  or love conference, love shopping bonanza or romantic movies at the cinemas this period, cakes and flowers staring at you through the  showcases of shops . Yes, it's Valentines day in a day's  time and as a matter of fact,  the month of February is accepted all over the world as a month of Love.

 So what is it about this thing  called love to the point that it's one of the commemorative days recognized by the world where everyone gets to celebrate it all over. Interestingly,  it is the only virtue amongst so many others such as joy, peace, faith, patience and so on that has got a day given to it to be celebrated.  I believe that the reason for this isn't farfetched as I expound on this.

True Love is Agape which is greek for the highest form of Love which happens to be the nature of one who holds and formed the universe, God Almighty .  The presence of Love in our world today has made nature come this far from the beginning of creation. Everything we see and behold today has its  beauty and essence gotten from true love.  Without love, there won't be relationships, marriages, families, societies and the world at large. If there's a force I know even stronger that earth's gravitational force, it's that of Love for it makes the world go round and exist. Now you know why love is so powerful even to having  a day it's celebrated.

Majorly for many, this day of Love, Valentine's day, is to show how much they truly love and appreciate their spouses or partners. For some, it's the time to take their love commitment a little further by putting a ring on it and proposing to spend the rest of their  active lives with their  fiancée which of course are all wonderful but isn't there to be more than just these on this day of Love? Should  the celebration of Love commitments be elaborated upon alone on such a day? What about the love for  family and friends? Shouldn't it also be

Have you ever had a relationship with someone,  more like being good friends  which might have lasted for a while or even for  couple of years but owing to a misunderstanding that you two had, made you both part ways?  Or probably with a family member of yours,  yet deep down you still wish such strain in that relationship never happened. Hey, it's okay to feel bad about it but not okay to let the hurt linger.

Life is full of imperfections but showing love brings perfection. This time of the month is also for situations like this you know;not to be seen as only for love birds but for friendships to be fixed, families to be brought close again. There are two attributes of Love that makes  love what it is. Without both, love really won't have the capacity to transform and make beautiful. Love is what it is because of "forgiveness" and "giving" as it's constituents.

Giving is what we do for others while forgiving is what we do for ourselves. When we give our time, our resources, our hard earned money in form of gifts and valuables, we tell them we value them so much  that we place their interest before ours, it's also laying your selfish desire for the betterment of the other, making love to thrive and making them happy. When we forgive someone who has offended us, we open ourselves to sweetness, good health and to favor, no room to bitterness which causes all ill dispositions. Forgiving others makes us joyful and happy and makes them even better . That's why the scriptures say a broken spirit dries the bones but that a cheerful heart makes a glad countenance. What you look like on the outside has a lot to do with what's going on on your inside. You look younger and fresher when you learn to operate in forgiveness.

Now it's time to put on your creative hat and think of a way to make this season a joyful one for yourself as well as for others. You know who readily comes to mind after reading this, they are the one's who's  to get much love from you this season.  Make it  memorable valentine, show some love, bury the hatchet, go the extra mile, show love in a way that would make them so surprised that it came from you, you have no idea of what that is going to do to them. Forget about the past, look towards the future with love radiating from your soul every day. In so doing, your spirit breathes and is totally free and continually attracts bountiful blessings as the peace of God that surpasses all understanding keeps you.

P. S  Who is gonna be my Valentine?

Keep Loving, Keep Living.......... LOVES ISSUES

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