Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 KJV
In our world today, information has a very apt way of spreading so fast, even faster than how fire follows the trail of gasoline and this really is amazing, well thanks to technology that has brought smart phones and social media.
Okay it's no news or should I say it's stale news of how two well known celebrities broke the internet here in my country with their proposal and engagement news. It brought so much thrill and happiness to their followers and I really wish them all the best. There was something that got my attention about both of them and I would like us to learn from it. The duo had been friends for a couple of years. She 'friendzoned' him as a matter of fact, the lady said she wasn't interested in any thing other than just being friends and the guy was so respectful of that and he heeded to it but thank goodness the friendzone paid off for them both. There are a couple of things young adults as well as singles need to learn from these love birds love story and that's what today's post is all about.
What I have come to understand about the friendzone despite a lot of negative impressions and meme all around is that it's a situation or a period whereby you have a couple of friendships with the opposite sex in whom there is a possibility of them fitting into your description of an ideal partner. With that in mind, you help build good friendship relationship with them, getting to know each ones weakness, strengths, likes, dislikes, purpose for life, talents, characters, things they value and a whole lot more about them without having to have any emotional attachment or strong attraction with them. The friendzone is the most healthy way to start up a love relationship. Just like our case study above, she said the friendzone between herself and her now fiance opened her eyes to a lot of things about him. You see, that's what you won't see when you have strong feelings already established in an early love relationship. The friendzone is the best way to start a relationship that you would want to last really long. You get to pay attention to the important things that count, that should build the foundation of your relationship when you start off with a friendzone. This is were many make mistakes and once this mistake is made, it opens room for many more such as heart breaks, again and again, sexual activities that they later regret of sorely, diseased state of mind and body and that's too much baggage to carry.
In a nutshell, lessons to be learned from having a healthy friendzone are essential. Never underestimate the closeness it could bring about. Go into a friendzone with someone you think you might like to have something serious with no matter how strong your emotions are, once in a friendzone with the person and you both have the understanding, it helps lay low such strong attractions. The best way to get to know someone you really like it to become just friends with them. It helps you get to know a whole lot about them. The friendzone helps prevent embarrassment of loving someone and they not having same feelings towards you. The success of a marriage depends so much on how good the couple developed their friendship overtime before they got married. The friendzone does not accommodate sexual feelings, if it does then it is not a friendzone. The friendzone is where you put every potential spouse and as time goes on it helps you eliminate the ones not made for, leaving them as just friends and then leaving you with just one who suits your type of a marriage partner. Do not be too much in a hurry to be in a love relationship, put your emotions under check, develop friendzones and soon enough, one them could just pay off. I hope this blesses you.
Keep Loving, Keep Living....... LOVE ISSUES.
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