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Husbands, love your wives, and never treat them harshly. Col 3:19

As I sat to recount the number of women I had seen been maltreated  in the past few weeks,
some to the point of almost death while others unfortunately died in the process by their spouses or partners all in the name of love all over the news and social media, I didn't wonder what the world had turn into because I already know that the state of the world is in a pathetic one unfortunately, rather I decided the more to always speak out, using the only sure way to help people not only to prevent such occurrences from happening in their lives, but also help those already in what seems to be heading in that direction  to do everything possible to be safe. That sure way is by speaking the mind of God concerning everything that pertains to love, relationship, courtship and marriage.

It's really crazy to see someone who says that if their partner doesn't beat them in their love relationship, then it isn't love or those who stay in an abusive relationship both mentally and physically giving excuses of having something strong for them or saying it's because of  Love.  To be honest, that's just sickening. Will you see death and still run into it?

 Hey listen up, if your partner maltreats you, doesn't have respect for you, raises his voice against you, raises his hands on you in no matter how serious or lame the issue may be, then read this out loud, 'HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU'.  You might want to defend him by saying, that's his weakness or that's the only dark side of him and he's working on it but please snap out of that, love doesn't hurt and I am so certain of this, how do I know?  Our Heavenly Father kept what real love should look like in his Word and most importantly, he demonstrated what real love is by sending his only begotten Son to take our place and die on the cross for us.

Love never gives up.Love cares more for others than for self.Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,Doesn’t force itself on others,Isn’t always “me first,”Doesn’t fly off the handle,Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,Trusts God always,Always looks for the best in you and for you, Love is willing to lay it's life for you so you can have life. These words are from the God's word telling you what love between a man and a woman or any other relationship should really look like

If his love doesn't look like the above, take note I didn't say sound like the above  because human words can't always be trusted and actions always speak louder than words, then you are in for uncertainties in your relationship. Do not love someone who doesn't love God, do not be quick to let your emotions drive you to someone who will make you less of who you should be. Only a man filled with the love and life of God can truly love you and give you a life devoid of abuse  and domestic violence. As I write this, my heart goes out to so many ladies and women in such situations. I pray for you,  please choose to be wise, take this to heart. Selah.

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