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He that has found a good wife has found favor, and has received favor from God. He that puts away a good wife, puts away a good thing, and he that keeps an adulteress is foolish and ungodly.
Proverbs 18:22(LOGOS)

It's been a while since I had  something as a straight talk to ladies.Today's post is all directed to ladies. Don't take it personal; its not because I'm a lady but majorly because ladies are often time at the receiving end of a messed up relationship.

I have heard of countless relationships that went sour where the guy after dating a lady for quite some good time (and when I say quite some good time I mean over a year or more than two years) would all of a sudden quit the relationship without any meaningful reason for leaving and then before you know it;  Bam!  He will be getting married to someone else in a couple of weeks.

If this has been your case or this happened to a dear friend of yours, I will tell you why and how it was all your fault. It's the girlfriend mentality you have always had about yourself.

You wanted to be a girlfriend to a guy (whether great or not,  that's left to you)  and you got it. For whatever reason you choose to be a girlfriend we can't say,  perhaps maybe because you didn't want  to be left out in some of those conversations with your fellow girlfriends when they talk about how their boyfriends treated them to an awesome weekend or treats, or how their boyfriends took them for a shopping spree to get anything they wanted or even how their boyfriends have been good in bed with all the waist-killing styles  and so on.

Well that's quite sad but here you are, he left you, he broke your heart.  Actually he shattered your heart after you both dated for three years or so and you had been expecting when he would pop the question of "Will you marry me?"

Many ladies have always been the architect of their problems when it comes to love relationships. Listen girl, stop  thinking of having a boyfriend, think of getting a husband. Stop walking around with that mentality of a girlfriend because only unserious guys would want to make you theirs for just the fun of it. They don't have marriage in view, they only want to test the waters with you. They only want to drain your emotional bank. They are what I call love-leeches (topic for another day).

They come into a relationship all sweet and nice but at the end of the day, they dump you and marry someone else because you never saw yourself from the beginning as a wife-material, or as a queen that belongs to a king, as a trophy for a winner and not as any market commodity in the midst of thousands of choices to be purchased.

Ladies, enough is enough. Become a wife in your mind, it will cause that positive change outwardly that a husband may find you. What makes you a wife isn't the presence of a diamond crusted ring on your finger but the presence of a meek and gentle character which is of great value to God first, and then to any one else (1 Peter 3:4). You don't become a wife when a man marries you, you become a wife when he finds you; the wedding ceremony only consolidates your position in his life. I hope this has transformed your thinking. You are next in line for a big good thing. Cheers.

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