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"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh".
 Genesis 2:24(KJV)

Last week , I dropped a concern I had in my heart for ladies that I had worked upon and made into a post and I got some people personally reaching out to me to appreciate the post as well as ask few questions. I love to add here, you can also feel free to drop a comment or ask your questions right here in the blog by clicking the 'Post a Comment' just beneath the Share button below so people can learn from your questions, contributions and replies.

Interestingly, I had planned to pen down something directly to the men like a sequel to what we had for the ladies last week, and then I had a personal encounter with a lady who confided in me about her husband who who apparently is a Mama's boy so it came as a confirmation.  For those who know who a Mama's boy is I'd say okay; but then for those who don't, let me briefly explain or describe one to you.

We all love our mothers as a matter of fact, a mother is a very important parent in the life of any child. Many times, fathers are faced with the need to work and provide for the family most times, making them not always present in the growing or developmental stages of a child's life as compared to the mothers. This makes mothers who are always present in many cases become closer to the children due to her role in always giving moral support. The tendency for a mother to be so close to her son is always present due to one reason or another. This makes the boy child grow into a man still having a strong connection with his mother and this ought not to be as even expressed in our opening verse of scripture.

The negative effect of such closeness of a male child to his mother becomes obvious when he  takes a wife and still not been able to put his mother and his wife where they belong in his life. A Mama's boy tend to make his mother a more important priority than his wife. He's actions and words always confirms that he places his mother of utmost importance than his wife.

Many conversations or family commitments that should be kept between the man and his wife becomes a matter of discussion with the mother who is always wanting to know every detail of happenstance in their lives. Such mothers although might still have their husbands; many might not anymore probably as a result to being a single mum or death of the spouse but yet the attachment between herself and her son is usually unhealthy and becomes unbearable or irritating especially for the son's wife.

Let's look critically at this situation; who exactly is to be blamed?  Is it the man who is married to his wife and always brings in his mother as a third party or his mother who wants all the love from her son and doesn't see any thing wrong in meddling into their lives.

This will be answered in the concluding part of this post next week and we shall also look at how to spot or know a Mama's boy, the difference between a man who has a healthy relationship with his mother and one who doesn't - a Mama's boy and also, how to deal with such especially if he's already your spouse or husband. Do have a lovely week ahead. Cheers!

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