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" Marriage simply means partnering with someone for life in order to help them become the best they can be." - C.E.O

2 Cor. 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might be rich.

Until He stepped into time, Jesus was rich but then, He took on Himself the temporary state of poverty so He could help upgrade us into His wealth. The greatest example of love is what we see in Jesus. He left His comfort and royalty, not because He needed anything from us or because He needed us to be complete, but simply because He wanted to help us be the best us that we were designed to be. This is love. Love is not about what we can have in return. Rather it's more about what the other person can become as a result of our being there for them. Love commits to upgrading the other person; supporting them and being the wind under their wings that helps them soar high in the sky.

The question to ask in true love is not how much you can benefit from the relationship but how much you can give into the relationship. As you should know, there is a greater blessing in giving than there is in receiving. True love seeks to humble itself and upgrade the other person. This upgrade isn't sought with force but with tenderness, encouragement and support. There is what I call a grace element in the partnership of love. This grace element says regardless of my great fame and reputation, I am willing to stoop low and give you every good thing I have so as to see that you become well furnished just like me. Love does not disdain or despise when it finds out certain weaknesses in the other person.

In a true partnership, one is happy when the other becomes better, besides their betterment affect you positively also. There is joy when the other person makes advancement. If you really want to experience the full joy that your relationship should have, know what makes your partner fulfilled and help them be the very best at it. Help them accomplish their God-ordained purpose/vision in life. Help them be the best at what they do. Inspire them with your support, prayers, love and humility. This is how people are upgraded in love relationships/marriages. Be patient with them when they fall short. When they feel they can't go on, be that person who encouragingly reminds them they have what it takes in them to do and be the best.

For him and by him, my partner for life.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.......LOVE ISSUES

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