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" Love is absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain people; you can set your watch by them. And that’s love, even if it doesn’t seem very exciting." - Sylvester Stallone

Prov. 25:19 (KJV)
Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.

If you were asked to describe true love in your own words how do you think you would fair? Would you give your definition based on your past experiences when you felt you were in love with someone or based on the preconceived ideas that movies and the media world have given you? Or would you just stare not even knowing what to say? What people call love sometimes amazes me. When I see a quote on love, I always know if it's one I want to make use of or one to just read and move on. But if it corresponds to what I have come to understand that true love means, it immediately resonates with the truth inside me. This is possible because I'm firmly connected to the source of true love.

You see, sometimes going through hard times helps you understand what true love is and who it is that loves you. True love is work - the work of being dependable. It isn't just all the rosy feelings that sets you in a state of frenzy nor is it that butterfly-in-your-stomach-feeling that when it's gone you wonder if that was really love. True love is when you have seen the ugly side of someone, have counted all the cost and you still choose to stay no matter what comes your way. Like the composer of today's quote on/definition of love says, love is seen in a person's reliability. True love says U'm not here because all is well right now but I'll always be here. Today's verse tells us that in times of trouble, the unfaithfulness of friends can be more painful than the troubles themselves. This is because true friends are designed to be reliable.

I think today's quote is just right. I wonder at what point of his life the author came to realize this, being someone who had married thrice. I needed no one to tell me it must have been at the point of his third (and hopefully last) marriage that he found out the miracle that holds marriages together. Everyone sure wants a "happily ever after" in their relationships/marriages but not everyone wants to go the way of true love, meanwhile it's that which guarantees such. Why partake in a competition if you do not see yourself win? Think about it. When it comes to love do not look for fireworks, look for faithfulness. A person who's always there for you, reliable and faithful, is a person that truly loves you. Fireworks won't sustain your marriage, faithfulness will. Scripture says a friend loves at all times. Be wise, test your friendships before you choose a life partner. Those who have not been reliable in the past will not be reliable in time to come.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.............LOVE ISSUES

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