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"Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God." - Unknown

Prov. 6:16-19 (MSG)
Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family.

When I first read the opening quote, I thought to myself that the only thing that would make a person do all that to another is when true love resides in such a heart and truth is, in life we get to have experiences that sometimes aren't good with our friends, loved ones or even acquaintances and such could make you sad and allow the feeling of hurt set in. God's Word enjoins us to be angry but not sin. Anger is a negative feeling and God acknowledges the fact that you can become angry but when you allow it cause you to sin, that's where it becomes grievous. Hence, it's better not to hold on to it. The same applies to the feeling of hurt when you have been wronged especially when you know you weren't the one who faltered or you were just trying to be nice. Let me show you one sure way not to allow such feelings of hurt put enmity between you and others.

The first step to forgiving someone is to first let it go within you. By that I mean laying hold of God's grace and strength to let it go. You can do this by remembering that you have not been flawless in your walk before God but He has forgiven and constantly is forgiving toward you. I recommend just as Jesus taught that you contact the person and let them know how they made you feel. Tell them you were hurt by their words and/or actions but you value the friendship and do not want to lose them. There are some times though when it isn't even necessary to tell people they hurt you because you just do not allow the hurt stick. As it comes, the love of God within you just swallows it up. The point however, is that when you have forgiven someone one of the things you want to do is to let them know about it. You may do this by telling them or by treating them better than they deserve.

The sure way I was referring to earlier is having the ability to pray a blessing for that person. The fact that you take up that person in prayer, looking beyond their flaws, loving them and speaking blessings over them and all that's connected to them in the name of Jesus, is an indication that you're yielding to the working of the Father's love. This kind of attitude that seeks to reward evil with good makes God glad and He'll open doors for you to prosper. Dear friend, by looking at God's love for you choose to discard any of those things mentioned in today's opening verse of scripture and let true love coordinate and characterize your life in order that you become the reservoir of all that the Lord loves.

Keep Loving, Keep Living..............LOVE ISSUES.
ff @bibilovejunkie

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