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"There will be times in your life when you have to choose between being loved and being respected. Always pick being respected because love without respect is always fleeting' but respect could grow into real, lasting love." - Unknown

Prov. 11:16 (MSG)
A woman of gentle grace gets respect, but men of rough violence grab for loot.

The growing up phase is such an interesting one, a phase in which everything is happening at the same time and there seems not to be much time to really understand how things relate and how such could play out in making one a better person. We all were once there and perhaps have young ones in their adolescence or young adult stage right now. One thing that characterizes this phase is the uprising of hormones; where both boys and girls are so conscious of the way they look, act and relate in public, in order to get the attention of the opposite sex. Around this period too, they start thinking of being 'in love' when they find someone they're attracted to. The funny thing is that this phase for some people, tends to extend till their full blown adulthood where they allow the fleeting power of hormones to get the best part of them in choosing whom the want to be with.

It would interest you to know that one sure way to figure out if someone really loves you and wants to be serious in their commitment to you is to know how much they respect you. I have heard of (as well as seen) relationships/marriages where the lady became a punching bag and the guy received verbal insults on a constant basis until it became unbearable and they had to take a break either in the form of a separation or a divorce. Such things make me wonder if they didn't see the signs. Being in love does not mean you have to be foolish. If a person does not respect you, they do not love you. Period! The fact that someone claims to love you doesn't guarantee that they'll change eventually when you become seriously involved in a relationship with them. No, "being in love" doesn't truly change people. It can only make them pretend for a while. The change has got to come from within the person in question.

Mutual respect is very vital in maintaining healthy relationships. Don't ignore it when you have to decide before going into a relationship so you don't lose the blessings that you should enjoy. If you're engaged or married please understand that the place of respect can either make or mar your relationship. We were taught as teenagers that respect is reciprocal. That simply means you get respect by giving respect. So, if you want to be respected, in your relationship make the conscious moves to respect your partner/spouse. Also, as the verse today shows, another way to have people respect you is by being a person of grace. By grace I mean that you have elegance, poise, balance, humility with an admirable and a lovable carriage. A person of grace and carriage is one who first honours himself/herself because the way other people will carry you is the way you carry yourself. You do not have to force people to respect you. You can inspire them to respect you. To be respected you have a role to play. So, become that person who people naturally want to respect and honour. Apply these things in your relationship today and enjoy bliss all the way.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.............LOVE ISSUES
ff @bibilovejunkie.

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