"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love." - Leo Buscaglia
1 Jn. 4:10 (AMP)
In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins.
In the early hours of my day, I remembered a song that was sung in a cartoon I watched sometime ago. I really loved cartoons when I was younger and didn't joke with them (Well, who wouldn't at that tender age except they weren't exposed to such). My love for cartoons was due to the fact that I found them very interesting and that they taught a lot of lessons and morale that just stuck over the years. Well, that which came to me this morning was a song about love finding a way. The love depicted in that cartoon was the romantic kind of love though but for me I saw beyond that, especially now that I am understanding and knowing more about the power of true love.
True love is one sure way that really doesn't naturally seem good or convenient to travel along. For example, consider the words of the opening quote. In the world today, a gift is mostly given in return for something of either equivalent value or of somewhat more value but it would always be seen as a seed to be harvested when time is due. That's the way the world's thinking goes. But the kind of love that was bestowed on us all by God is this kind of love described in the quote. It was freely given, without hesitation and without the expectation of it having to be returned. Its a kind that makes a way for the one who loves to love even where there seems to be no way. The world would sure be a better place if everyone was willing to love their fellow mankind this way. This is why we anticipate Christ's return because when He does He will rule the world in love and all the beauties of a love society will be seen.
True love does not wait for the other person to love before it does. It also does not wait for the other person to first give something before it gives. These are the truths we can glean from today's verse of svripture. True love does not seek a repayment from the person it is directed at. It's a self sacrificing love. True love is free. True love seeks to so love people until the love they are receiving so impacts them and changes them. True love wants the seed of love it's planting in others to grow and mature in them so that in due course they'll yield multiplied outbursts of love than that given to them. My friend, embrace true love. Let it grow in you, cultivate it to be a part of your life, for anyone who does always treads upon the right way that brings forth mouth watering blessings and riches in the mind, spirit and body.
Keep Loving,Keep Living...................LOVE ISSUES.
Hmmm... God bless u BLJ