If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy." - Kristin Chenoweth
John 13:34
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
The very first step in being able to cherish and love people of all walks of life is the ability to really love oneself just the way you are, both your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Somehow some persons do not fully comprehend what it means to love themselves. They just think it's all about taking care of themselves, pampering the heaven into themselves and just doing things that make them really happy. But I tell you loving oneself is more than that; it's more than the false and fleeting happiness that living for one's self brings. When I refer to loving yourself I'm speaking of accepting who you are with grace (that is, not condemning yourself for your shortcomings) and doing anything that leaves you as a better person (that is, caring enough for yourself to add value to your life). You have not come to love yourself when you judge others because what that means is that somewhere inside you, you still judge yourself. You know, somehow people carry out their sentences on others.
What that means is, when you find a person who's condemning others, usually it's because they have issues in their own lives they have not dealt with and overcome. So, they hunt others and try to persecute them. People who are not content with themselves and what they have cannot be happy for other people no matter what those people do. The reason being that you cannot give what you don't have. So, one sure way to be certain you are able to love others is being able to love you in this light. Many people worship themselves and really do not love appreciate themselves this way they should. Interestingly, Christ gave us a new commandment because He knew man would always give preference to himself than to others. He knew man has a selfish approach to and interpretation of the concept of love. Hence, in the new commandment He gave, He enjoins us to draw inspiration from His love for us in our bid to love one another. He says to love others the way He has loved us.
In wrapping this up, making your world a better place to live in lies within you being able to accept the Love of Christ that He has freely given you, extending that same love to others in every way that proves that you're seeking their happiness before yours because in doing that you actually are loving others the way Christ has loved you. Perhaps my friend, you find it hard to love people and pardon their flaws and inconsistencies, what you need do first is accept Jesus Christ into your heart if you haven't. Love is a spiritual substance that flows out into the physical. He alone can make this possible; He alone can give you the capacity to love. If you are a believer and still find it hard to love others, then you should be reminded that you're love's residence; love is resident on the inside of you right now because you have God's nature. Remember that real love isn't a feeling or an emotion that just creeps up on you; it's an action. You have got to do love and show love. Love is a decision you take. Let Love Lead!
Keep Loving, Keep Living.............LOVE ISSUES
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