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Alas! It's the eighth week already and I still remember the first value we treated and it just seems like it's been a few days. For all those who have stayed glued to this series, you would agree with me that it has really been an eye opener. You see, it is said that there nothing new is under the sun, while that could be true, there still are some things that when done might seem brand new just because they are done with a better understanding. Yep! It's time to reveal this week's topic and I bet you are going to love it.

First of all, I would say that this is an expression of love that people tend to mistake for real love. As a matter of fact, when it is set in motion between two persons that find each other completely attractive, they call it 'falling in love' because they are so engulfed by the feelings it brings. Well, like I have said before and will say again, this should not be taken as true love. Romance in itself is not a sign that you love someone or that they love you. Romance should be an extension of love that exists between a man and a woman in a love relationship. Love should give birth to romance. You should not be looking for signs of romance from people and then conclude that they love you.

Truth is, romance means different things to different people according to their level of understanding. Some think it is sex itself, others think it's a collection of beautiful words or actions one says and does which could lead to sex, while others see romance as a set of creative ways of showing love to the person your partner.

In very simple terms romance means knowing the love language(s) of your spouse/partner and 'speaking' it to them when they least expect it. It means knowing what your spouse/partner needs and meeting those needs without them even asking you to do so. Let no one deceive you by telling you romance isn't needed in a relationship. It's the fire in the chimney of any relationship. In a love relationship, inasmuch as it should be based on agape love where one loves unconditionally, romance or romantic love is important because it provides a great part of the passion,warmth and security a good relationship should possess and it will interest you to know (for those of you who don't and for those who might have forgotten) that it is God's will for us to enjoy romance in our relationships.

Many people over spiritualize the book called the Songs of Solomon. Although it holds many spiritual lessons, we cannot deny the fact that it teaches couples about love and romance. God made Eve for Adam for many reasons including the fact that He's interested in a man and woman enjoying romance in their love relationship. Through romance the flame in a love relationship is kept burning bright. For the unmarried, romance should be enjoyed within the boundaries of what God's Word permits. In marriage, romance is permitted to go all the way and be full blown. I'd also Luke to state that it's important for us to see that being romantic doesn't mean you go out of your way to do something so big hoping it would please your spouse/partner, rather it's about the little things that matter, from words, to gifts, to pleasant surprises etc.

This link will offer you some great help http://loveissues7.blogspot.com/2014/03/to-be-or-not-to-be-romantic.html
Having a relationship that is tagged 'Made from Heaven' isn't going to just happen accidentally. You have to work at it and adding the hue of romance is one sure way of doing so. I want to encourage you today to be more romantic; be a blessing to your partner by being a source of pure romance to them. When I read through the Bible it's impossible for me to ignore the fact that God shows loads of romance to us in our relationship with Him in the way He cherishes us, talks to us, helps us and gives us better than we deserve. Our love for God is a response to His irresistible love for us. I will end by saying romance is the spark of a good intimate relationship which in itself is a communication, based on honesty, humility,maturity, trust and of course, modesty. Dear friend, as you apply this understanding you re getting today, keep your fingers crossed as we see in our subsequent tips other values that make a relationship successful.

Keep Loving, Keep Living..................LOVE ISSUES.

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