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Marriage is one institution created by God which provides the avenue where a man and woman are joined formally by a vow or a promise in the presence of God and witness(es). After this formal joining, both persons have the opportunity to consummate that union with a gift called sex. Yes, sex is a gift given by God only to a man and his wife but unfortunately today, it has been misused, abused, debased and adulterated by the forces that are always against all that God gives to mankind.

Well, I was just led to begin that way but we are not gonna be talking about sex, at least not today. We are looking today at some qualities that will aid you in choosing the right partner to get married to. Remember that an intimate relationship with the opposite sex isn't worth starting in the first place except the objective is marriage. Who should you marry?

1) A Believer: A believer is a person who fears God with the whole of his/her heart. This person honours the Lord and lives to please Him. A believer is one who believes in Jesus Christ and has placed faith in Him as Saviour and master. The believer is one whose drive is to be like Christ; he/she maintains a growing relationship with Him. The believer knows that Christ died for his sins and rose again from death, he has believed in Christ's finished work on the cross. These things are not just believed in the heart but also declared with the mouth. The believer thus has eternal life as a present hour reality. I tell you the truth, this is the most vital quality you should look out for in a person if you want to enjoy true love in your marriage/relationship. Is he/she a believer? Some people have underestimated the importance of this quality and today they wish they didn't. You see, the believer is no more a mere natural person because a change has taken place in him. He has been washed, cleansed and transformed to resemble Christ. Hence this person can love you with Christ's kind of love.

2) A Person of Character: This speaks of the inner distinctive qualities of a person, that which makes them do the things they do and also accounts for why they do such. Men are usually so carried away by the beauty of a woman, how well curved all the features of her body are nicely carved, her looks, her hair and all the details of her outward appearance. Likewise, woman are often blinded by all the handsome, six-packed, taut bodied men around them forgetting that all these will go down the drain someday and turn to dust where they all came from. I know good looks are good but rather than invest in temporary things, go for that which doesn't change by the decaying effect of time. Settle for that which continues on and lasts much longer in any human being - good character. I have found that people of character look more and more attractive as time passes.

3) One with Whom You are Compatible: Many teachers and authors today have blown the issue of compatibility out of proportion by focusing on things that have no godly value. The compatibility they teach is nothing but a myth. When I speak of compatibility, what do I mean? Compatibility is the ability for two people to get along well in life. It speaks of where and how they connect. Two persons can judge their compatibility by their purpose in life, their values, their visions and dreams, their motivations, what they both love doing and even their differences etc. Just like the unlike poles of magnets make them attract, the difference between two persons can be one of the things that makes them bond. The point is, marry someone you're compatible with. If you both are always at logger heads, do not like each other's company, can hardly agree on anything, have dreams and interests that have no meeting points and will never have in a thousand years to come, then you had better not think of a future together. Scriptures says, two cannot walk together except they agree. Carefully consider this in your choice of a marriage partner.

4) Someone Whose Companionship You Enjoy: Marriage and relationship is about shared joy. This joy can only be shared with someone that is worth sharing it with, as you see them as different from the others mainly because they have been there all the way as a friend. As a matter of fact, God made Eve for Adam because He didn't want him to be alone. Friendship is a good foundation to lay when wanting to choose a life partner for so many reasons which we might not be able to deal with now. When you get married, what makes your house a home is the fact that your spouse is a friend you enjoy being with, not just another person living with you under the same roof. Friendship will make your marriage sweet. A popular saying goes, 'Marry your Friend.' I tell you, that's sound counsel. It gives rise to the best form of relationships. Always remember that companionship lasts longer in a marriage much more than the feelings of love and romance.

5) A Person Who Has Come to Maturity: There's a lot at stake here especially when we consider mental maturity, emotional maturity and financial maturity. For emotional maturity, it is one attribute that is built right from single hood. A lot of times people who rush into relationships do not understand that the period of being single is very important in building and acquiring wisdom that keeps a marriage or makes a relationship work. As a matter of fact, it is in single hood that the capability to become a good marriage mate with the right wisdom and knowledge of how to have a successful relationship should be built, and not with the so called experiences of early relationships. If you think experience is the best teacher and you want to learn by experimenting a number of relationships, you'll find out that you'll be sucked out emotionally and left both drained and empty. It isn't wise to think going in and out of relationships would make you a good marriageable partner. That does not give you wisdom, it actually depreciates your value. Also being financially mature isn't just about having a secure job. Sure that's good but one must think in the line of doing something such as a business which would always fetch good money. Financial maturity is about the capacity you have built into yourself to generate wealth.

I believe this has helped you and would help someone you know. This might just be what they need the most at this point in their lives. So, be generous enough to share it with them, As for you, stick with LOVE ISSUES and keep learning. God bless you real good.

Keep Loving, Keep Living................LOVE ISSUES


  1. blank
    Egbon Francess efe6 August 2014 at 06:30

    Amazing! Tanks Blessing. I wish I understud dis truth 7 yrs ago bt tank God 4 His wisdom at work in u. Kip living 4 Christ.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Dear francess, thanks for your comment. I believe with this truth you can help someone choose better as well as sow beautiful seeds for your life partner. God bless you.

  2. blank

    I enjoyed reading your post, keep up the good work.

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Thank you dear Jaydee for your comment,I really appreciate it.You all are the reasons why I must continue to spread the frangrance of God's Word in this aspect. God bless you.


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