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"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives." - C. S. Lewis

Phil 4: 8-9 (MSG)
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

It's been said and written in the books about the mind of humans that it's the central origin of any man's behavior. It is the seat of all the sum total of anyone, of their emotions, their will and their intellect. The creative principle responsible for anything in the universe says that thing must first be conceived in the mind. The secret of all power, all success, all riches is first thinking powerful thoughts, successful thoughts, thoughts of wealth and supply. Little wonder the scripture says a man is whatever he thinks in his mind. That means irrespective of what a person may pretend to be, the real man is what goes on in his thinking. Everyone will eventually rise or fall to the level of their thinking. But the truth is very few people have come to know and accept this truth about the limitless role of the mind.

The opening verse speaks of the importance of the mind yet again and admonishes us to put into our minds thoughts that will benefit our lives. One way to sum up the thoughts that would do such and so much more is when we choose to set our minds on true love. You see, a lot of us have got just the knowledge of love in our heads. Some have it both in the head and in the heart, and yet others have it in their heads, their hearts and their minds. The head represents our senses that can only be graced with much knowledge. We can acquire head knowledge by reading and gathering information. The heart represents our spirits, the real person on the inside who received a love nature when we accepts Christ. Whether they realise it or not, everyone who is born again has a heart knowledge of love. Then, we have the mind. The mind is the controlling unit of our experiences here on earth. We install things in our minds by deliberately painting pictures in our minds. This is what thinking is.

It's very important that we allow true love reign in our heads, hearts and minds, else the manifestation of true love in our everyday life will be diminished and stalled. As C.S Lewis says, to have real happiness is to plug ourselves to love and for its deeds to radiate through us to others. If we live our lives for ourselves we will not find fulfillment. And just in case you're wondering why you can't be happy like others, have you considered the need to give yourself to loving unconditionally? You can do this easily by keeping company with like-minded people. The deeds (actions)and words of any person are a reflection of what that person continually thinks in their mind. When you have someone (maybe a friend) who you can tell talks and acts true love, you have someone right there you should stay close to and keep close to you. Someone who models love for you is a great person to keep around. Your life will get better as long as you keep company with them in the same way that iron sharpens iron.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.................LOVE ISSUES

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