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"Could this be happening to me?" Alero wondered as she sank back into her chair. As this question ran through her mind, she had feelings she could not describe. She was smiling to herself again and again; she seemed unnecessarily excited. The hormones in her body seemed to tell her she was feeling something special. She had heard a lot about what it meant to fall in love, the whole feeling that came along with it, the so-called butterflies in one's stomach, being too excited to sleep much or eat and even being unable to think straight due to the thoughts of the person one had fallen in love with.

Here she was, it was happening to her. She couldn't quite explain it, but she wondered to herself how this could be after all the sermons and teachings on relationships she had listened to. Alero was surprised she still found herself at this point. It appeared all the tapes on relationships had only given her nothing more than head knowledge. But deep in her thought, she asked herself, "What if this is real?” She was having feelings for Donald like she had not had for any other guy before. Alero knew there had to be something real about this whole experience she felt, after all she was a smart, intelligent and very beautiful lady who always made heads turn wherever she stepped into. She was used to dealing with the opposite sex all her life.

Donald was different. He was a complete charmer, the kind of guy every lady would dream of. He was tall, dark and handsome. He had a frame as though he were a demi-god, with a dynamic personality and was graced with a good sense of humour which made him so close to perfect. Alero and Donald had come to share moments together so quickly, even though she was aware that he had an embattled relationship with another lady and that she was the reason why his relationship with the other lady was hitting the rocks. He had told Alero that he had never felt the way he was feeling about her for any other woman before, not even for his girlfriend.
.....................To be continued.

I have heard a lot of thoughts about love and definitions of love but the one that got me laughing is that love is a feeling you feel when you are feeling something you haven't felt before. Funny, isn't it? In our world today love is one of the most sought after experiences that people yearn for and would do anything to have because it addresses the human needs for companionship and intimacy. As a matter of fact, the Creator has put the need for love within every human being He made. So, no matter how die-hard stubborn, brutal or callous a person is, just steadily show him love and you can gradually turn him into the complete opposite. This is possible because no human rejects love. We have to see however, that there is true love and an imitation of true love. One comes from God, the other doesn't. True love is a spiritual force that originates from the Creator Himself.

1 Jan. 4:7-8 (ISV)
7 Dear friends, let us continuously love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.
8 The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Love is an outward manifestation of the inherent nature of God present in the human spirit. Love will generate feelings but love is essentially a decision that is made from the heart to commit to meeting the needs of another for life without the expectation of a return. Love is deciding to treat people better than they will ever deserve and going ahead to do so. It is like the decision a man makes to follow Christ Jesus after surrendering to Him and accepting Him as Lord and Savior. Love is not born out of circumstances or feelings or uncertainties but out of a firm conviction in your heart inspired by the Word of God. True love is something our heavenly Father wants us to experience and live by in our everyday life and that's why Christ Jesus spoke of love as the new commandment in contrast to everything that came before (1Jn. 13:34). The place of love cannot be overemphasized because God created men as relational beings.

The description of what love is would not be complete without looking into what Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit explains love to be in the thirteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians (1Cor. 13). Love is not natural, it's divine. God is love. Truth be told, no man can genuinely love except through Christ he has received the life of God into him. True love is giving selflessly with the right intention or motive. What is this right intention when giving? It is giving primarily with the desire to better others, not because you're focusing on enriching yourself. This is the love we see in John 3:16 that God demonstrated.

Now, lets put all what has been said today into context to further explain what a relationship ought to be. It's a fact that everyone wants to be happy in finding that one special person who would turn their world into paradise but many (even believers) have allowed the world system influence their knowledge of what love should be in a relationship rather than depending completely on God’s Word. This is a mistake and it's negatively affecting many people but they don't even realise it. God alone knows what is best for us and He wants us to be happy, not just for a while as the world's system offers but for a lifetime. That's what the principles of God teach and confer on those who live by them.

So, you see that I have in a compendium given you an explanation of what love is. Ponder carefully on these things I've shared with you. I trust that soon we can share on what love us not. Keep your fingers crossed as I unveil the event that happened between Alero and Donald.

Keep Loving, keep Living.............LOVE ISSUES

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