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"A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things." - John of the Cross

1 Cor 3:13-15 (NIV)
13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.
14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward.
15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.

It does amaze me how the scripture talks about the possibility of someone doing extremely wonderful acts to another and yet such acts could be empty or useless if not done in the premise of love. Paul the apostle spoke of how people could give every single thing they own away and give even their bodies to be burned, yet all that can be done without the motive of love. He went on to show that without love you and I amount to nothing. It's love that makes us somebody. Without love we are not better than inanimate objects. Immersing ourselves in love is what makes us different and special. Then I asked myself why this is so. Why is love so important as spoken of by Paul, why is it so necessary to uphold love in our speech and actions? Why is love so vital in our dealings with one another?

Many do not yet know or have ignored how important God values to a high decree a life that is characterized by true love. Many have missed this and have thought that it doesn't matter the state of the heart when actions or thoughts towards people are put up. As a matter of fact, picture this that all your deeds and actions are going to be tested after you have completed your life's journey here on earth. This is what God tells us in the scripture we're focusing on today. All the good things you have done will not automatically be rewarded. Each one of them will be tested and tried to see if the quality if that good work is good enough. The result of that test will determine whether you'll receive a reward and what you'll get as a reward. Paul says our works will be tried to determine what SORT it is, not what SIZE it is. You'll be rewarded based on the quality of what you do, not the magnitude of what you do.

Perhaps you had gotten this understanding prior to this time and you tried to live it out yet you fail countless times, I charge you not to give up on yourself. Do not give up in believing that God can turn your life into an amazing story. When you quit, you don't only quit on yourself, you also quit in God. In spite if how many tunes you have erred, refuse to quit pressing on. Throw yourself over on God. He is pleased with anyone who after having failed a couple of times still picks himself up and tries again, believing and hoping that someday he would get it right perfectly well through the help of God. It is with this kind of determination that uncommon blessings flow into a man's life. God always shields such people with His unending approval. Keep loving, keep going, keep pressing on and trusting God to perfect His intention in you and through you. Lift your eyes and keep them on His ability to work out His plans and purpose in our lives.

Keep Loving, Keep Living.....................LOVE ISSUES
ff @Bibilovejunkie

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