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Where Does Humility Come in?
If we were to ask many people what they think should characterize a successful relationship and marriage, not many will mention humility. We tend to think mostly of ephemeral things and forget the true values that make the things we admire work.

Almost nothing has destroyed peaceful coexistence like pride. I once heard someone say that every single war in human history has been caused by pride. Thinking about it, that's so true. At the base of every contention and anarchy is the fact that someone doesn't want to let go of their own way of seeing things in order for there to be peace and harmony.

Wars are expensive to run, yet people and nations invest heavily into them. The same goes for anarchy in relationships and marriages. They cost a fortune. Pride will always lead to a waste of resources but humility will prevent loss. Just think about that for a moment. When we're humble we can channel our energies and resources into better and more productive use.

No Humility, No Love
Loving someone as we ought to will take a lot from us. But there's nothing love will demand that we do not have the capacity to give. For instance, love will demand our humility. It now becomes a question of whether or not we're willing to humble ourselves. The things that love demands are simple things but they make a whole world of difference.

It takes humility to show concern for the state of another when you have your own personal issues going on. To stoop low, wanting to help someone else out of their situation when you have your own biting challenges, requires some level of humility. A proud person will put themselves first but a humble person will put the other first.

You know, some people cannot lend a helping hand to their partner/spouse. They feel it's beneath them to get involved in certain things but then, they expect their partner/spouse to do those things. How sad! Such people need to remember that except love is demonstrated through humility, it doesn't exist at all. Don't just say you love, show it.
Practical Humility
There are those who carry the air of their position in their workplace or the fact that others revere them outside, into their relationship/marriage and demand the same kind of treatment from their partner/spouse. They expect their partner/spouse to call them by some title and/or venerate before them as though the relationship between them is strictly official.

People with such attitudes are immature and need to unlearn and relearn certain basic things. Yes, there should be deep mutual respect in a relationship/marriage but nobody should act as a boss. No one should frighten the other and make them lose their peace when you're around. There is no slave in the relationship/marriage context. Therefore no one should assume the role of a task master. Get off your high horse! If your partner/spouse is not free and truly happy when you're around them, check yourself.

Look, in a relationship/marriage, you're primarily seeking the good of the other person, not yours. You're there to attend to them, not to have them attend to you. Get it straight into you that your partner spouse is your priority and that he/she has equal rights with you in the relationship. You may have different basic functions but the rights are equal, so, no one is superior to the other.

If you practically train yourself in this kind of thinking, your relationship will be sweet and your home will be a happy one.

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES

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