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In this series of #WhatLoveReallyCosts we have mentioned vulnerability in one of the earlier episodes but here we want to put in under our microscope and major on it. If many persons understood what we'll be sharing here today they'd have acted differently in their relationships and would have gotten different results.

When we speak of the need for you to be vulnerable in your love relationship, you're not to see it as becoming weak. Some people have been so used to bottling up things all their lives that they cannot compute it when we talk of them being vulnerable to the one they love. To them it doesn't just make sense. They're so scared that they cannot even conceive the thought of such a lifestyle.

It's not true that when you make yourself vulnerable you're being weak. Rather being vulnerable is an expression of strength. Not everyone is man enough to open up.

Vulnerability Proves Your Love is Pure
Living a vulnerable life means that you allow the one you truly love to see through you. It means that you give them the liberty to see and know you in and out, your strengths and your weaknesses, so they can accept you just the way you are. The absence of this means that one is not being sincere. Pure glass is transparent. This is how you become when your love is pure for your partner spouse.

Paulo Coelho says that the strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility. What he means is that true love has a form of vulnerability. When God, the origin and source of love, demonstrated His love toward us and for us in the person of His Son, He made it clear to us what really loving others should be. One time Jesus said to His disciples that he had kept nothing from them but had told them everything He heard His Father tell Him.

That's the way a love relationship should be. Jesus was so open and vulnerable to them that someone He loved plotted a betrayal against Him and succeeded. He made Himself that vulnerable because His dying was part of the plan for His life. My point is that it took strength for Him to be vulnerable even when it knew what it would result in. Is being vulnerable being weak? No, it's actually a sign of strength.
Vulnerability is the Foundation of Oneness
Some people are scared that they'll be betrayed by their partner/spouse if they're vulnerable to them. Well, in the first place you should not marry someone you do not trust and if you've already married them, you can prayerfully rely on God to help you begin to trust them and make them people you can trust with your life.

You see, marriage is about two persons becoming one. Each one gets lost in the other. The two come together and fuse into one person. If one is still refusing to open up and establish the kind of oneness and unity that should exist, the purpose of the marriage union will be defeated because vulnerability is the foundation on which oneness is built.

Be Emotionally Liberated
One cannot even be sacrificial as they ought to be without this willingness to be vulnerable. The only true God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten son. Right there you see that God Himself demonstrated a level of vulnerability. He gave us His only Son. Anything bad that happened to His only begotten son got to Him because His son was truly dear to Him, yet He gave His son to us anyway. Simply because of His love and what He wanted to accomplish for us, He took that much risk to lay everything on the table.

Vulnerability plays an important role in any relationship that is poised to succeed and go far. Vulnerability can also be said to mean that you're emotionally liberated. That is, you're free to make your emotional needs known. Everyone has emotional needs that they would love to be met. Individuals with true courage and strength will allow themselves to be vulnerable to those they truly love. Embracing a sense of vulnerability allows others to know us for who we genuinely are.

Being vulnerable is being open emotionally. Some folks are very upright because they don't want to be rejected. The fear of rejection makes them live a solo life and they do everything within their power to stay out of other people's path. To love others, we must be open and willing to risk being turned down. We have to be willing to make the move. This also is a form of vulnerability. Yes, they may reject you but what if they don't? What if that person has just been looking for someone to step into their day and make their life better? What if they also have insecurities that your boldness can help dispel?

Let Go of Yesterday
I understand that some people are scared of being vulnerable in their relationships because of past hurts and negative experiences. Whatever your past experiences have been, do not let them hinder you from enjoying all that you should
from the relationship you're in now. Don't relive yesterday's pains and fears. Dare to experience life afresh. Bury yesterday and forget it. Open a fresh page today and live like a new born baby that just arrived. Be free!
If really you are loving, then you ought to be vulnerable, And if you’re very loving, you can’t help but feel vulnerable. Allow yourself get to that point where your heart is completely open. Yes, an open heart is one that is truly loving without holding back. We'll continue our series on #WhatLoveReallyCosts but remember that you should be vulnerable to those you love and who love you unreservedly.

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES

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