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Purity is Fundamental
When we talk of love and relationships many times, a lot of people do not appreciate how fundamental purity is to the success of a marriage. It affects almost everything in a relationship/marriage. We can speak about the purity of the thoughts about our partner/spouse that we allow to lodge in our minds, the purity of our motives and intentions etc.

If we can pay deliberate attention to this and take certain actions in this regard, our relationships/homes will be the better for it. Purity is the state or degree of being pure. It's that state or degree to which a thing or person is free of foreign material or pollutants; free of immoral behavior or qualities; clean. It refers to being innocent.

Today we want to share a few things about how unneeded some things are to your relationship and how we can rid our relationships/marriages of these pollutants and foreign materials. The purer we become in our relationships, the more the effect of love we will experience.

Purity of Intention
I am aware that lots of people got married for different reasons. Now though you can change the course of your mind and the direction of your heart. You might have been wrong but you do not have to remain wrong. By learning and applying the wisdom of God, for your own personal conduct and contribution in your relationship equation, you can steer into a whole new and beautiful horizon.

When two persons come together, it should be for the purpose of serving each other and helping each other be all they were destined to be. Marriage is not for advancing personal ambition at the expense of the other person. It's not for using the other person to achieve some set marks which you secretly determined in your heart. It's a partnership aimed at making both persons better and fulfilled in life. You do not use your partner, you make yourself useful to the accomplishment of their purpose.

If you stick around me long enough, you'll get your motives and intentions straightened out as I share from day to day God's ideals about love and relationships. You can go back and read up posts I have already shared and see how your heart will be redirected in the right direction.

Emotional Adultery
I was watching a program on TV sometime ago when I heard this phrase used. A woman sent in a question to ask if it was okay for her husband to keep chatting constantly on Facebook and other social media with ladies he met online. The husband had said there was nothing going on between he and the ladies but he seemed to have developed a sort of addiction for this practice.

The presenter anchoring the TV program discouraged the habit and said it could lead to emotional adultery, where one starts flirting emotionally with someone who's not their spouse. He explained that the emotions should be dedicated for going after just one's spouse in a sexual way and that anything which encourages the use of ones emotions in this manner towards someone else, should be discouraged and discontinued.

I thought about it for a while and saw the sense in what he said. I remembered how I bonded emotionally with my beloved and knew it would be a subtle betrayal of trust to open up my heart in that manner to anyone else. It's not rocket science to know that anyone's emotions may quickly go after the a person they keep spending time talking with, especially when such time spending is uncalled for. Engaged and married couples should be quick to always rule a line in the sand indicating where actions and conversations cannot go beyond, by declaring their status, flaunting their partner/spouse and being proud of their relationship.

Keep Your Mind Focused on the One You Love
If you're making a new friend of the opposite gender, they should know you're engaged or married. They should know you are unquestionably devoted to your partner/spouse. Be decent enough with your attitude and character to dictate how the friendship will go and any such friend that is not interested in staying on their own side of the line should be cut off without hesitation. The purity of your relationship is of far more value than that friendship.

When you read the Songs of Solomon you'll find the couple singing to each other describing their love and beauty. The man talks about different parts of his woman's body and talks of how much he loves her. If there's anyone's body to keep your mind on, it is the body of your spouse. Avoid things that make you adore the bodies of other people. Your mind is a very powerful tool in love and romance. What ever fills your mind will drive your body. So, deliberately fill your mind with the beauty of your spouse.

This is so important. Mental purity between couples will boost the romance and sweetness in the marriage. This is yet another reason why you cannot take pleasure in watching pornography. Some couples feel there's something to learn there. But that's wrong. There's nothing to learn from taking your mind off of your spouse and fixing it on others. Instead there's everything to lose.

Keep Loving, Keep Living...............LOVE ISSUES

1 comment:

  1. Very good article
    Addresses the issue clinically.
    Well done Dr BiBi


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